Published Book including Searl Effect and the Gyro Car


Nov 8, 2003
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important pages documenting the findings and inventions that will not be excepted by modern day economy and society. the pages follow on in the corresponding order of the number in each picture link. (if you are using a lower resolution on your desktop, the image needs to be maximised to be read :)...)
does anyone else here own a copy of this book? it would be intresting to know
Ok.....thats a hell of a lot better than those web sites. Do you know what the book is called?

I've always thought about cars running on gyroscopics. Or cars running off of just momentum being stored up and released when needed (like a big rubber band or somthing).

But then I start thinking about video games and forget about all that :)
"The Secret of the Creative Vaccum" ?

It's either called that or thats just the chapter name.
Groovy. I wouldn't mind building one of these...

As a small side point, a book (apparently written by a retired airforce major) I read about the Roswell crash stated that the craft's antigrav generator was totally electrical in nature, needed no visible fuel source, and caused the occupants to have to wear special woven suits to ward off undesirable electrical effects...

That last bit seems to tie in rather interestingly with that statement in that Searl book of yours, clarky, about things becoming permanently electrically polarised...

Yeah, I know, I introduced a book about Roswell into this thread. Sue me. I don't necessarily believe the Roswell book, I just think it's strange that there are parallels between it and the information on the Searl effect...
the book is called 'secret of the creative vaccum' ' man and the energy dance'.. another book to purchase would be,.. the very popular Michael Moore book, 'Dude wheres my country?' wich has related ties into why the world isnt hearing about new energy, or more importantly.. President Bush, and his Oil giant friends keeping it quiet...

And Brian,... Rosewell was a wopping lie and a cover up, they'll tell us these woppers to completely misdirect us. The trouble is some of these whoppers are so tastey that we cant help eat em up!, and then we just come back for more.
Perhaps Roswell is a lie, clarky... or maybe... just maybe... that's what they want you to think.

That would be a great way to distract people from Roswell, if it happened... say it happened, then say it didn't, then stay very quiet for a long time, then say it didn't happen, again (only this time you change your story slightly), and then start a rumour that the Roswell story was just a diversion, the rumour being a diversion in itself from the Roswell story, which was true all along!

Man, I sure can spin 'em, can I not?

Now, back on topic (I don't really want to be responsible for starting an off-topic Roswell discussion...), where can I get a copy of this book? Is it still in print? how much per copy?
have a search on the net, or enquire about it, I think the book was origionally purchased in the 1980's. and was around 15 - 20 pounds at the time, which is going to be around 25 dollars.But by now if there are anymore available it may be very cheap to buy, depending on the rarity and value of the book
Any more information that can be found online? (Reliable I should say. Type some of that stuff into Google and who knows what you'll get.)
if you get copernic agent proffessional, (multiple search engine search's) it will find alot, and I mean 'alot', of information on the subject. So much infact that it makes it even harder to ignore.( there are plenty of reliable resources and copernic is far more word specific, so it wont go off and find a load of Junk, aswell as your intended search.)

get it

1 more thing, think about this...

how many applications of the Gyro in licencsed modern machinery can you think of actually being used today?. (apart from Gyro's used in the attitude control of aircraft)

you'll be suprised at how little if not anything comes into mind,, Big question... why? Its one of the simplist and most revolutionairy inventions of the century!.
I'm wondering if the SG could be turned into a really efficient motor somehow. Have four in a car and use one to turn each wheel...
lol,neat, I think the Gyro is more applicable to the car,..( in the future, why use wheels, :)..)
'cos you can't get cool skidmarks with a set of antigravitational floatation devices :p.

Curiously, I'm working on a story where one of the main characters is the son of the man who (in the book's timeline) invented the first floating car (notice I don't say flying). I've managed to work out a neat little theory (which probably wouldn't work, but sounds cool) to explain the repulsion effect.

Writing is fun.