Punisher demo at fileplanet


Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
go ahead and get it, lines are a little long, as always, hopefully there's some mirrors soon
edit: ok, fileshack has it too, with like no line, still slow though, of course, damn people who want our money to download free shit
it's pretty good, i like the direction they're going, oh, and for anyone who read the IGN preview, it doesn't do the whole graying out thing when you kill someone in a gruesome way, just try the pirhanna tank at the beginning and you'll see
whoa! :D, this is awsome!

ive been through it about 20 times now, killing people in diferent ways.

Eg: Throwing people off the 1st floor into the pirana tank :D lol, throwing people down the stairs :laugh:, i'm definatley gonna get this! :D

Btw, when is it gonna be released ?
You mean this is actually worth playing? I don't really have much faith in license based super hero games.
it is actually worth playing, it's fun, which is the most imp. thing ever in a game
After playing through it a few times I have to agree. The ways you can execute your enemies are both numerous and hilarious.
I want to download it, but the lines are too long. Stupid Fileplanet. DAMN YOU!!
Thank's for the gamershell link, getting 790 kb/s.
I got it and it just plain sucked, terrible graphics, horrible sound, the guns are boring and weak oh and the sound really really sucks.
Foxtrot said:
I got it and it just plain sucked, terrible graphics, horrible sound, the guns are boring and weak oh and the sound really really sucks.

That's pretty much what I thought. Played through it once, it was boring and I uninstalled it.
:dozey: It's officially retarded. Don't get it, it's basically a Marvel rip-off of Max Payne. A horrible... very horrible rip off.
I don't know, I like cool ways of killing enemies, but cool for me is the hl2 manipulator way or ninja gaiden, this game just lets you basicly be a real psychopath, I'm glad you folks like it, but I just have no emphaty for the main character, I thought max payne was cool and the character was cool, but this guy needs the electric chair as soon as possible. It's probably me, but I like cool violance, but I hate just stupid torturing type things that this game has, like putting a enemy alive in a treegrinder, and I also hated manhunt. Guess you all think this is wierd but it's just the way I am, I can't understand why all you like this game. This game makes me wanna puke, enyoj it :)
the demo was horrible: the sound was terrible, the graphics looked like ps2, and it ran terrible on my rig. Turning left or right it literally stuttered. Aiming was badly implemented ..why would they guide your aim when you are in fine aiming mode ..makes it very difficult to get a headshot. Frank can take a hell of a lot of punishment (no pun intended) I literally walked up to 3 guys shooting at me and killed them one by one with the quick kills ..and I still had 3/4 of my health left.

definately wont be getting this one

some of the quick kills were ok but needlessly violent ..they sort of lose the essence of what made Frank castle such a compelling character (when done right, frank miller right)
i was disappointed as well, trailers looked kinda cool.
definately not getting this. the interrogations were fun but the gameplay was so consoleish.