Puns - funny or stupid?

Sep 18, 2003
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I recently read a book by Scott Adams (Dilbert author) who maintains that there is a lonely minority that enjoy puns with no context. If it's true I am in that minority. I want to find out how many people actually enjoy puns. And I could use a laugh.

To find out if you enjoy straight puns, do you find the following funny:

The kings advisers were tasked with amusing him, so they took to him the ten best puns from the top writers in the country. They thought they would make the king laugh, but unfortunately no pun in ten did.

Also, studies have shown that those who engage in world play are more creative and intelligent than those who don't. In other words, use a pun, go to Yale.

And finally, remember, a good pun is its own reword.

So? Unfortunately the poll screwed up (read: I screwed up the poll), so just post any decent puns and we'll fid out who has a sense of humour. :laugh:

A thousand pardons, oh great mods. Posting threads with polls is tricky. Have pity...

Please disregard/lock/delete THIS thread, and post in the other. Thanks.