Pure comdey flash movie which you can laugh, a lot with here is the link don't make t

Happy tree friends are pretty good, but for the love of God, whats with the title...
Its meant to trick people into thinking its not a comdey flash film, when its a real laugh and a lot of heads coming off.

And killings and funny things happening.
Wow, the first one I clicked on was a video of a camp site murdering.. I didn't expect that. :P
That is really quite demented, and it just make you wonder what is the current stading of this generation's moral fibers...
It does. Its pointless. I mean, you kinda laugh nervously, at most, but theirs not much else to it. I guess its the whole, "HAHA THAT RABBIT GOT MURDERED!! I WAS THE REJECT IN SCHOOL, I GET TO SCARE YOU CUZ LIFE IS A MURDERED RABBIT!"

I dunno. I would'nt go those lengths to say, "ihatecutekthxmurderbai"
This is sick. They're trying to parody childrens furry TV Shows and movies but they're blatantly missing it all by just throwing in a shitload of blood and violence for the sake of blood and violence.

Retarded Animal Babies may be of worse graphical quality, but it is miles ahead of this when it comes to sarcastic humor.
It's not supposed to be a shock site, it's pure entertainment.

They have a DVD out too, I was going to buy it.
nw909 said:
It's not supposed to be a shock site, it's pure entertainment.

They have a DVD out too, I was going to buy it.

I've bought it. Opinion in my university halls was devided.
I love it, its awesome. Its aimed more towards the kinda people who like South Park
Wow, that sucked, not funny, not offensive, who the hell watches that stuff?
The first one I watched was mildly amusing. It was, while not 'shocking,' a bit of a surprise. But I've watched about 10 more, and would be content to never see another. Not terribly original, besides being the same joke hundred ways over...

I like south park, for what it's worth. I don't think that argument holds water. South park is smart, for one...
it's not funny .. I don't understand how can such things be laughable .. I mean, how can oyu laugh at the sight? I remember hearing laughing voice in the HL2 E3 presentation this year when the zombies were screaming .. at that moment I was scared, but people were laughing?!
I don't get it.
to each his own. violence can be funny (to me at least). jsut not this violence
hasan said:
it's not funny .. I don't understand how can such things be laughable .. I mean, how can oyu laugh at the sight? I remember hearing laughing voice in the HL2 E3 presentation this year when the zombies were screaming .. at that moment I was scared, but people were laughing?!
I don't get it.

If it's not a reality, it's ok to laugh!

Besides, how many people stood up in the E32K4 presentation and stated loudly: "THIS IS AN OUTRAGE, My father and mother were both victims of a headcrab attack, how can you be so cold hearted!"
happy tree freinds 0wns. i watched them all a while back. but theyre not getting me to buy that crappy DVD! no way!
This is really, really crappy.

Its not even comical to say the least. Its just one of these cult classics for people who seem to like "being the man of the tasteless flash comedies", because they can watch "cute" get "murdered".

Suffice to say, they only do this to prove that human reactions equated in animated cartoons suffering horrible bloody deaths, just proves their knowledge and ability to how much violence "does'nt bother them". It also winds down to this non-sensical BS on how, animals, representing scared humans being killed, shows their knowledge on how weak or pointless our lives are, blahblahblah...Why laugh though? I know why!

...because they're not actually watching it...they're too busy laughing to syke people out...also...they laugh cuz dhere disturbeded...in a way that makes them weak...

Besides, how many people stood up in the E32K4 presentation and stated loudly: "THIS IS AN OUTRAGE, My father and mother were both victims of a headcrab attack, how can you be so cold hearted!"

I thought this was funny. It beat Happy Tree Friends...