purple textures?



i have a PNY 6800GT and i turned the AA from 6X to 2X and the AF from 4X to 2X and also changed the resolution down from 1280x1024 to 1024x768 and i got all these purple textures like where the "shine" should be....

like in office, inside the garage, it was all purple....pretty crazy...anyone else get this?
skatevans said:
i have a PNY 6800GT and i turned the AA from 6X to 2X and the AF from 4X to 2X and also changed the resolution down from 1280x1024 to 1024x768 and i got all these purple textures like where the "shine" should be....

like in office, inside the garage, it was all purple....pretty crazy...anyone else get this?
Aye... my tunnel in de_dust was all pink for a while. :LOL: It just went away eventually...
Yeah I submitting this bug. It's actually more magentaish.. Like the transparency magenta color. Weird huh?
Yea, I got this tonight on my 9800pro.
It's kinda psychadelic ;)
:cheers: Same here... x800 Pro, only happened when I had lowest settings, really really strange.
ok cool, i was wondering abotu that shit...i turn the settings back up and it goes away...weird...yeah, you are right, its more of a pinkish/magenta color....like, the WHOLE garage is crazy pink...i was freaking out man...haha

ill submit the bug to, thanks dudes
that has happened to me too when i tamper with settings a lot. does it happen repeatedly? Just exit steam and go in again.
nick_t said:
that has happened to me too when i tamper with settings a lot. does it happen repeatedly? Just exit steam and go in again.
Ahhh yeah maybe that's it... settings... it happened to me the next time I played after having it hooked up to a TV (so lower resolution)... but restarting didn't seem to work...
Someone figure out how to do that intentionally.. for.. experimental purposes..
This has happend to me only when I repeat the stress test more than twice without restarting CS:S. I have never had it happen while playing though. (I have a 9800 pro)