Put fish in water; like de_inferno


Nov 5, 2004
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I'm making a big outdoorsy map, with a lake/pond, and the fish from inferno would be perfect to put in it; add a little realism. Does anyone know how to do this?

they made a own entity for it:


just create a block, press ctrl+t and turn smartedit off and enter the information seen on the screen, should work (didn't try it!)
It's a point entity, not a brush entity.

max_range - The furthest distance from the entity the fish are allowed to move.
fish_count - The number of models to create.
model - The model to use. I was able to create a pool of propane tanks that happily floated around like fish.

This must be added to the FGD straightaway. Now if I could just figure out what happened to Groundflyer...

In any case, doesn't it strike you as odd that when those coders could have been fixing bugs, they were instead creating an entity to emulate a pool of fish? *bangs head on desk in disappointment*
Raeven0 said:
In any case, doesn't it strike you as odd that when those coders could have been fixing bugs, they were instead creating an entity to emulate a pool of fish? *bangs head on desk in disappointment*

No. Do you really think it would've taken a team of coders to code this!? It probably would've taken one of em about 20minutes
The time it took doesn't matter. It's the principle. FISH have taken priority over everything else. FISH!
No, they haven't.

I guess you're one of these people who see Valve have released something other than exactly what you want, and it means they've done absolutely nothing.
Gonzo, do you realize that you're making a huge ordeal about something so trivial? Raeven was joking around, now you're attacking him like you're going to get something out of it.
I didn't realize I was making an 'ordeal' actually, or 'attacking him' for that matter.

Live and learn eh?! Idiot