Putting Bugs in the DM map?


Sep 23, 2003
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Sorry, I'm blank right now. I can't remember what the bugs in HL2 are called, LOL!

Anyway, I was wondering if it's possible to put them and the phermones in a DM map. The answer will greatly affect the layout of my new map. I am at work (Working on my map ideas.... er.... )
and I had a thought but I can't try it cause my Hammer is at home.

Anyway, the question is can you put them things in a DM map and have them attack other people? Kinda like big, bad, Snarks.
I think the name youre looking for is Antlion ;).

Dunno if you can use them with the pher. ball i MP.
Yeah, thanks. I remembered right after I sent it and was busy emailing a friend with map suggestions to go back and edit my post.

Anyway, I'll trying them out tonight. Have a few ideas that I think will make a MP map interesting. I'm hoping to enter the map building contest, but the register date is veyr soon for us to do a good level in that much time considering we are all married, working guys with lives and wives. hopefully, between the three of us, we can learn enough of the new system to get something cool done, even if we miss the deadline.

I guess the only thing left to do is to make a map and try some things.... I bet it can be done since you can incorporate maonsters into HL1 maps. Seems a reasonable thing to assume.