Pyro thoughts

Uber Kitty

May 22, 2007
Reaction score
I was messing around with bots and I tried figuring out how to get the most points quickest.

So I made them all line up and after experimenting, the class that killed the entire team quickest was the pyro by a large margin. Pyro killed all 12 guys in a couple seconds, it took longer to lay that many demo nades down or kill them with a point blank heavy.

This is probably because the flame can hit more than 1 person with 1 hit. Each "hit" of the flamethrower can set multiple people aflame.

Just thought you guys should know when talking about the pyro. This is not about weakness or power of the class, just knoledge about it.
Yeah except when the other team has a few pyros, and it gets more complicated.
The Pyros big advantage is he doesn't have to reload he can keep a steady steam of fire, and their crits are devastating. But still they are still the weakest offensive class.
For all practical purposes the Pyro is the weakest class. His shotgun is the third worst weapon and his flame thrower is the worst weapon for damage. So what you can light multiple people on fire and maybe kill some with the after effects. In any normal match it's better to be killing the enemy than temporarily scaring them off.
You forget the 'terror' effect of the flame weapon. You can temporarily drive off an enemy attack and send them all scurrying for medpacs.
You forget the 'terror' effect of the flame weapon. You can temporarily drive off an enemy attack and send them all scurrying for medpacs.

No I didn't re-read my post. It is far better to kill the enemy than frighten them away. Besides nobody is scared of pyros any more. Worst case scenario all you do is help an enemy medic build uber faster.
No I didn't re-read my post. It is far better to kill the enemy than frighten them away. Besides nobody is scared of pyros any more. Worst case scenario all you do is help an enemy medic build uber faster.

Depends. Sometimes it's just not feasible to kill all of the enemy, and the group-effect flamethrower is a great way to scatter enemy formations. And I would disagree with 'nobody's scared of pyros anymore' - maybe if you're playing clan matches, but on public servers, a pyro suddenly landing amongst a big group of enemies and setting everybody aflame is always a heartwarming moment.
maybe if you're playing clan matches, but on public servers, a pyro suddenly landing amongst a big group of enemies and setting everybody aflame is always a heartwarming moment.

Agreed. They're pretty much useles in matches, but on a packed server you can do plenty of damage, especially with a medic in tow.
Pyros are fun, but I can't help but feel gimped when I play one, even if I'm doing well. The only time the class really shines IMO is when they're charged. otherwise it's just weak damage in short range combat with shitty hit detection.
Agreed. They're pretty much useles in matches, but on a packed server you can do plenty of damage, especially with a medic in tow.

Or you could do feasibly more damage with say a soldier or demo.

Depends. Sometimes it's just not feasible to kill all of the enemy, and the group-effect flamethrower is a great way to scatter enemy formations. And I would disagree with 'nobody's scared of pyros anymore' - maybe if you're playing clan matches, but on public servers, a pyro suddenly landing amongst a big group of enemies and setting everybody aflame is always a heartwarming moment.

Or you could actually kill them. /shrug lost people are lost.
Or you could do feasibly more damage with say a soldier or demo.

Depends on the situation. On a dustbowl the pyro's speed makes them useful for getting behind the enemy - good for defending point 6 for example - and they're often more affective than a heavy when ubered through the gate and attacking point 1. On the whole I agree, though - their uses are situational at best.
A demo can easily switch to bottle while the pyro's furiously charging at him with the fthrower and still win with 60 hp left.

(One of my favorite tactics)
Nothing wrong with burning things, but you have to remember that people are there to kill you :)

I think maybe the Pyro needs something a little more, nothing big, since that will throw out all the balance in the game, but just a little something.

The Pyro unlockable weapon should be Napalm :D
Or something to deal with those pesky Demomen *shakes fist*
lrn 2 ply pyro k thnx

pyro does just fine. You just have to learn to trust your shotgun.

-Never run straight at the heavy who's got his gun ready and is aiming at you
-Never try to torch a scout who's keeping distance, switch to shotty.
-When fighting demos, jump over nades that they tend to skip over floor, try to trick demos to detonate early right before you charge.
-Don't get close to a soldier until he's reloading, until then keep your distance
-Sentries up near corners can be circle strafed unless at level 3
-When up against larger groups, just set fire to as many as you can and either retreat, or go on a kamikaze run. Don't try to personally bake every single person individually
-unless you have some serious surprise on your side or they are all perfectly lined up.
-you are the ultimate uber unless against 2 level 3 sentries.
-flag running scouts will hate you, as will spies. be wary of that

-your primary goal should be to sneak up on large groups and take out their medics and burn heavies while they have tunnel vision

For a class that is essentially a short range damage hose, you need to use a lot of thought to maximise their potential, but there is nothing weak about them.
Pyros are fun, but I can't help but feel gimped when I play one, even if I'm doing well.

lrn 2 ply pyro k thnx
Even if you do all that, and I do when I'm pyro, the pyro is still weak. Even with suprise attacks from behind or the side the enemy can kill you and most of the time they live (depending upon class and cirumstance). Plus if there is a competent medic it makes it extremly hard to get kills since they hard hard to kill (health regen + hiding behind combat classes) and can keep 3+ people on fire, not only alive but at a reasonable health level.
Peronally I think they should be boosted to 200 hp.

a pyro suddenly landing amongst a big group of enemies and setting everybody aflame is always a heartwarming moment.
herr herr herr
Yea, the flames need to be adjusted somehow, but really I think what NEEDS to change is that if ANYBODY commits suicide or accidentally kills them self while on fire, the pyro should receive credit.

It was like that with the medic in TFC, if you were infected and killed yourself, the medic still got credit. The pyro should be no different, because I'm seeing a large amount of soldiers who just shoot downwards at their feet, kill themselves plus me and they get a suicide + credit for killing me. EVEN THOUGH IT WAS MY FAULT THEY DIED.

Demo's do the same crap too, although mostly accidentally, I'll catch them on their stickybombs and they blow them up, killing us both. He gets credit for killing me + suicide.
This is why I like ubering pyros the best.

Indeed- the HWGuy may have covering fire, but the pyro can get in the nitty gritty quick and painful. The Pyro is the best class to uber in most cases- the Heavy only when there's a shit load of SGs. The soldier and demoman don't make very good ubers because their ammo supply runs out too quickly. The scout probably makes a better uber than the solly/demo.
Ubered spies are great, when the medic is on the other team :naughty:
They should code the Wolf:ET flamethrower into TF2 for the pyro, now THAT was a flamer, great range, great spread, very satisfying.

The little puffs of flame from TF2 flamethrowers is kinda lame TBH, so is the range. I don't expect a huge one, but certainly a viable range.

I find the shotgun does its job, and if I play pyro (which is most often) and use the flamer allot, I try to run in flame and run out, hit and run.
I've been ubered by enemy medics before, when I play defense. I just run into the sentries and sit there.
If you're being ubered by an emeny medic I assume that you lose the uber the moment you lose your disguise, yes?
The Pyros big advantage is he doesn't have to reload he can keep a steady steam of fire, and their crits are devastating. But still they are still the weakest offensive class.

no for offensive power, the scout is the weakest then the pyro and then then the soldier, for speed the scout is strongest, then pyso then soldier, andfor health its scout, pyro then soldier.

But the classes are built for different reasons, scout for rushes, soldier for heavy assualts (or ubering) and the pyros for ambushes and for assualting engineers when ubered.
Pyros are fun, but I can't help but feel gimped when I play one, even if I'm doing well. The only time the class really shines IMO is when they're charged. otherwise it's just weak damage in short range combat with shitty hit detection.

yeah it does seem that the pyros flame damage dosent do enough damage like it should, but im sure valve will come up with a cool new idea for the flamethrower :thumbs:
We can only wait for the unlockables.

*crosses fingers*
Pyros, like any class, can be absolutely devastating in the hands of a skilled player, just as other, presumably 'weak' classes are. Given a choice of competent patients, I'll choose to uber a pyro before the others. Demomen usually get about 4-5 stickies out by the time the uber runs out, which will take out a single, level 3 sentry (and anything near it). A soldier runs out of ammo too fast and runs too slowly. A heavy moves even more slowly, so unless you're right on top of them when you uber and the targets are concentrated, you're not going to drop much. The pyro's speed, destructive level, and lack of need to reload make her (that's right bitches) the best class in my opinion. An ubered pyro has enough speed to get right up to the sentry quickly, drop it quick, and be on to the next one. I've been with a pyro that dropped three level III sentries (spaced out a bit) on a single uber. Needless to say, we didn't make the retreat, but their defenses were quite shattered.
If you're being ubered by an emeny medic I assume that you lose the uber the moment you lose your disguise, yes?

I'm not sure, after I backstabbed someone, my uber turned red from blue though, if I recall correctly.
Pyros, like any class, can be absolutely devastating in the hands of a skilled player, just as other, presumably 'weak' classes are. Given a choice of competent patients, I'll choose to uber a pyro before the others. Demomen usually get about 4-5 stickies out by the time the uber runs out, which will take out a single, level 3 sentry (and anything near it). A soldier runs out of ammo too fast and runs too slowly. A heavy moves even more slowly, so unless you're right on top of them when you uber and the targets are concentrated, you're not going to drop much. The pyro's speed, destructive level, and lack of need to reload make her (that's right bitches) the best class in my opinion. An ubered pyro has enough speed to get right up to the sentry quickly, drop it quick, and be on to the next one. I've been with a pyro that dropped three level III sentries (spaced out a bit) on a single uber. Needless to say, we didn't make the retreat, but their defenses were quite shattered.

lol i finally found that flower bag everyone was talking about, and im sure you people have seen the thread about what the flower bag is for, but when ever i do a taunt it sounds much to masculant for any female even if the pyro was russian :smoking:
I've been ubered by enemy medics before, when I play defense. I just run into the sentries and sit there.
Heh, I run around in circles and then try to backstab the medic.

If you're being ubered by an emeny medic I assume that you lose the uber the moment you lose your disguise, yes?

I'm not sure, after I backstabbed someone, my uber turned red from blue though, if I recall correctly.
It used to do that, Valve changed it to prevent griefing.

Given a choice of competent patients, I'll choose to uber a pyro before the others.
Same here, situation willing of course.
Pyros, like any class, can be absolutely devastating in the hands of a skilled player, just as other, presumably 'weak' classes are. Given a choice of competent patients, I'll choose to uber a pyro before the others. Demomen usually get about 4-5 stickies out by the time the uber runs out, which will take out a single, level 3 sentry (and anything near it). A soldier runs out of ammo too fast and runs too slowly. A heavy moves even more slowly, so unless you're right on top of them when you uber and the targets are concentrated, you're not going to drop much. The pyro's speed, destructive level, and lack of need to reload make her (that's right bitches) the best class in my opinion. An ubered pyro has enough speed to get right up to the sentry quickly, drop it quick, and be on to the next one. I've been with a pyro that dropped three level III sentries (spaced out a bit) on a single uber. Needless to say, we didn't make the retreat, but their defenses were quite shattered.

But that's like the only time the class really shines. And getting ubered is rather infrequent.

Sure, player skill can overcome the class' handicaps. But there's nonetheless a deficit that sometimes makes playing one annoying.
There's deficits to all classes that make playing them annoying though, I'm not sure that's specific to the Pyro.

In the context of an actual game on a public server, ubers tend to be about 10% choreographed and 90% "incoming crit rocket" or "you're walking into a minefield of critical stickies" or "that sniper's got a bead on your head and you can't see it"... you get the picture. For the record, I only play on public servers, so there may be a different clientele there.

I've only ubered a spy once on purpose in the context of a game. Much of our team was making a big offensive push, getting ready for me and my patient to take some sentries down, when my patient got sniped and the rest of the team got wasted by an enemy spy. By luck, our spy and myself were the only two left, and were under heavy fire from the enemies while retreating. I ubered us both to get out of there alive.

...which makes me wonder...

If a medic ubers an enemy spy (in disguise, of course), is the spy invulnerable to fire from the medic's teammates?
Don't know what game most of you are playing, but I have games where I just destroy entire teams as a pyro, especially playing defense on Gravelpit or Dustbowl. There are times where HWGuy is better at it, though. Soldiers and Demomen, though? Sissies.

I see a lot of pyros try to use their shotgun way too much... emergency situations only dumbass! Do your job and get those ****ers lit up!
But that's like the only time the class really shines. And getting ubered is rather infrequent.

Sure, player skill can overcome the class' handicaps. But there's nonetheless a deficit that sometimes makes playing one annoying.

well if someone cant play pyro then they shouldnet play it, or if they realy like the pyro but cant play without being killed withing the first five seconds, then they need practice.