Quake 2 Ported to Java. PLAY ONLINE NOW!


Companion Cube
Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
"Quake2 fans unite! Thanks to German software developer ByTonic software, you can now play Quake2 via the web with Jake2 a java port of ID Softwares seminal Quake2. ByTonic claims performance is similar to original C version. From the Jake2 website; "Jake2 is a Java 3D game engine. It is a port of the GPL'd Quake2 game engine from idSoftware. To use the Jake2 engine you need either the data files from the original game or from the demo version available for download from ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com" You actually don't need to get the data files, they've set it up to automatically download the 38Mb demo assets using WebStart. Just click the Play Now button and away you go. Most features supported, even multiplayer server!"



play here
If the multi actually works, who wants to do some DM?
I cannot get it to work for the life of me. :(
Hehe, that was awesome. I have never played Quake 2 myself until now. :E
Never played Quake 2... I should play this :)

I'll check it out when i get home.
OMG OMG!!! This is so ****ing cool!!! Ah, the memories from my youth!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I can't believe you all haven't played Quake2 before. :p Q2 FTW!

diluted said:
I can't believe you all haven't played Quake2 before. :p Q2 FTW!

oh i've played Quake 1 and 2 before...just wanna try it out this way :P

edit: i am experiencing lag/freeze issues.

anyone know how to fix this?
I'd say that's awesome, but it's not like you can't just copy/paste the Quake 2 directory over to your computer, and play that on gamespy*if you REALLY feel the need* or have the server host it.

I'm currently trying to get the community I've played with forever to get a Q2 server hosted. That will be some great fun. All you gotta do is get the 3.20 patch installed, and copy the folder right on over. We did it in high school all the time, great fun.
i am experiencing lag/freeze issues.

anyone know how to fix this? please?
For me when downloading the demo through the client, it just stops downloading about 2kbs away from the end.!!!
Someone host a server quick and post the IP. I'm willing to join if someone does it quickly.

This focking rocks.
SearanoX said:
What makes this different from the original? Just a new engine? I don't understand why you'd want to download this instead of just the original game.
I'm assuming this means you aren't the programming type. I find it pretty insane that it was ported to java. It's a pretty significant accomplishment, but I'm not really able to explain it in specific terms. Something the caliber of q2 running in java, off the web, is something unheard of (by me). It's got more technical merit than true entertainment value.
Good heavens, I'm astonished at how many people haven't played Quake II. I can understand that it's an older game and might not be something you'd go out and buy but I did the same thing with Half Life - the only reason I bought it is because SO many people said it was really good. Quake II, while not as good as Half Life, is certainly an entertaining game at worst.
Good heavens, I'm astonished at how many people haven't played Quake II.
Played the N64 and Pc version. Wasn't a horrible game at all, infact I really liked it. I use to play the Pc Version online(really young)(Had to go to a website and get the ip address and plug it in to join).
I played it about 4 or 5 times through. Plus mods and fanmade single player.
Quake 2 Jail-Break MOD. That was some serious fun. Every jail-break mod so far has lost steam and died out :(
after finding and reinstalling quake II, i do believe it's the most entertaining game EVER! my god, i've just wasted five hours playing it, when all i wanted was a quick fix...
I will play multi if someone posts a time and ip

and btw, where can I get an .exe of it?