Quake IV teaser trailer.

Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
It's only fourteen seconds long but there are some pretty awesome scenes. I don't like the way the marines look or the mechs, but the rest is good! The chaingun (I was about to write chinagun!) looks good and there are outdoor environments. They better not mess this one up...because heads will roll. :flame:
No, you don't. There is a free server.
How did you think I got it without registering?
Prince of China said:
No, you don't. There is a free server.
How did you think I got it without registering?
oops didnt scroll down enough.

xbox 360 footage.
The mechs and the explosions look kinda cheap.

Still, I have high hopes for this game.
looks very cool

I hav high hopes for this game
looks to me like Doom3... I really can't see anything different with the graphics except it's outdoors.
dekstar said:
looks to me like Doom3... I really can't see anything different with the graphics except it's outdoors.

and it looks like it has squad- like gameplay (meaning your not the only person that kills everything in the whole entire game)
It looks like a very extensive and professional Doom-mod to me. I've never been a fan of the Quake-series (shoot me), and I didn't really like Doom III either. I'll try the demo off course (if they release one), but I need a lot of persuading to buy this game.
Quake 4 is based on the DooM3 engine, so there are going to be similarities, which, in case you don't realize this by yourself, is going to be a very good thing.

For those of you who might think that it is going to be too similar:
1. Actually play DooM3.
2. Watch the trailer.
3. Notice the spider-thingie (and virtually everything else).
4. Think again.

The only questionable thing about Q4 is whether or not the pc-version is going to suffer too much from the consolification.

Shakermaker said:
It looks like a very extensive and professional Doom-mod to me.
Somebody like you would probably also say that "Prey" looks like "a very extensive and professional Doom-mod to me." Only problem is that it's not entirely true.

Ofcourse it's going to look somewhat similar, it's on the same engine for christ sake! It didn't look entirely the same either, especially the outdoor scene with the mech-walkers. It does look similar, but still there are many noticeable differences.

Anyway, I can't wait for this game.
Well, I guess I don't like the plastic look of the Doom III engine. And it strikes me as odd that a different game on the same engine would look so much like the original. In the case of Quake IV too much imo.
Vorac1ous said:
Somebody like you would probably also say that "Prey" looks like "a very extensive and professional Doom-mod to me." Only problem is that it's not entirely true.

Actually, you could show me Prey screenshots and I'd have no way of telling it apart from Doom 3.

It's understandable that games using the same engine are going to share similar looks and feels. But what I'm seeing isn't necessarily due to the engine, but the art production. It's almost as if every game using the D3 engine is trying to retain the same aesthetic qualities rather than branching out. For the sake of comparison, look at HL2 and Bloodlines. Or look at Unreal and Deus Ex.
Quake 4 won't be anything special... I thought it'd be groundbreaking like the prequels... :(
Absinthe said:
It's understandable that games using the same engine are going to share similar looks and feels. But what I'm seeing isn't necessarily due to the engine, but the art production. It's almost as if every game using the D3 engine is trying to retain the same aesthetic qualities rather than branching out.
Maybe they are just trying to get smooth framerates in for even crappy computers. Plus I think there is less that you can actually do with the Doom3 engine to achieve this, so maybe this is why.
Wow this new Doom 3 expansion looks nice...