QuakeCon Keynote


May 27, 2003
Reaction score

Quick quick!!!

I think you need Winamp to play it.

John Carmack is doing his keynote.

Note: It is very technical, so a lot of you may not like it... It's about 1:30-2:00 hours long.

They just got done speaking with Quake4 stuff.


*edit* He just sort of publically announced that this is the first id software development cycle where they will develop PC games simultaneously for consoles (he also said he's working on graphics for a new Xbox360 game), and hopefully release simultaneously, if not PC earlier... Woot!
Awesome! Thanks for the heads up. I'm watching it right now.
BTW I forgot to say that in about 6 months, good ol' JC should know what he can expect from the hardware... He's working on the new renderer still, so at the end of the year, early next year, we should see his new renderer possibly :D

*edit* Quake3 source code due out soon! They are just getting it packaged together... It's getting released under GPL :D They are removing things like Punkbuster and such, and very soon they should be done and it will be released!
i think i'll wait until someone sums this up in something comprehensible... kinda disappointing them shifting into more console-oriented gaming though
Icarusintel said:
i think i'll wait until someone sums this up in something comprehensible... kinda disappointing them shifting into more console-oriented gaming though

*sigh* You should at least listen to the entire keynote until you make comments about your disappointment :P

PC's are always going to be better and bigger he said, and he said PC titles would be released simultaneously or before console releases.

Considering that you have the possibility of having a Xbox360 and PC users to play against each other, why wouldn't you want to program for console? Now that it is so much easier to develop for consoles, then there just isn't a reason why you wouldn't want to.

There's not going to be a sum-up, as he's just basically talking about whatever he wants to... Like he's talking about texture memory management right now... No reason to sum it up as you probably won't even understand.
i can't listen to it, as i'm at work, but this seems to be a trend that's coming out, but so long as it doesn;t hurt the quality of the games, it's fine, but if we start getting pure crap shoveled at us because they wanna develop for PCs and consoles simultaneously it's gonna be horrible
But you are basing these opinions on the previous generations, where you had to change a lot of things what you wanted to do if you wanted to develop for consoles.

Now that we can pretty much develop for a PC, and it ports right into a console, we won't have consoleitis... :)

The point is though, id develops primarily for PC...

*edit* Ah, he's just talking about differences in development between consoles... He said pretty much what I said right above this... They are all pretty close together.. You can no longer point out and say "Oh that is easily a PS2 game ported to Xbox" (ala grand theft auto), the biggest issue though is CPU's and their threads... (Also, he said that the performance you get out of these consoles is hyped obviously... He said that due to CPU issues, you should basically take the GHZ they show off, and divide it by 2 to find out what the actual performance is)

He's saying that the Microsoft development is much better than what Sony is creating (as in the previous generation with PS2)....

*UPDATE* Quake3 Source Code in a week if all goes to plan! Woot!!!
Is there a downloadable version of this yet? I think I missed most of it.
This is great, the play on XB360 vs PC users(hopefully), I used to play Q3 vs PC people using my Dreamcast.:)
Gargantou said:
This is great, the play on XB360 vs PC users(hopefully), I used to play Q3 vs PC people using my Dreamcast.:)

Whoa no way... I never knew they even had Quake3 on DreamCast let alone play it vs PC gamers...
Iced_Eagle said:
Whoa no way... I never knew they even had Quake3 on DreamCast let alone play it vs PC gamers...

Yup. I got it for Christmas when it came out for Dreamcast. It was a lot more difficult to control than the PC version.
Gargantou said:
This is great, the play on XB360 vs PC users(hopefully), I used to play Q3 vs PC people using my Dreamcast.:)
Xbox live will probably prevent that.