Question about Athlon XP 2400+ cpu.


Sep 12, 2003
Reaction score
My bro has one of these and he recently got Dawn of War. When I load up the game on my p4 3ghz, it loads rather quickly. However, when my bro tries starting the game or loading a map, it takes over a minute. I noticed that when his comp was loading, the cpu stopped "thinking" for large portions of time (10-15 seconds with zero activity what-so-ever), as opposed to mine which was actively processing throughout the entire load (hope that made sense).

We both have the exact same cards (9800 pro) and ram (512ddr)but for some reason his cpu stops thinking sometimes. The only other thing that's different is he's on windows 98 and i'm on xp.

Now granted the difference between our 2 cpus is a bit, it doesn't account for the zero activity and long ass load times. Especially since the recommended req. cpu is a 2.2ghz.

Anyways, if anyone has some insight on how to fix this, I'd appreciate it. If all else fails we'll try a format.
Kiva128 said:
Especially since the recommended req. cpu is a 2.2ghz.

Here's your problem. An Athlon XP 2400+ is not 2.4 ghz, it's only 2ghz. While that's not terrible, it's not the best. Your CPU is over 1ghz higher, so yeah, that seems to be why your PC loads the game/maps faster.
Malfunction said:
Here's your problem. An Athlon XP 2400+ is not 2.4 ghz, it's only 2ghz. While that's not terrible, it's not the best. Your CPU is over 1ghz higher, so yeah, that seems to be why your PC loads the game/maps faster.

Wrong. Yes the Athlon XP's clock speed is 2.2ghz, but it performs about the same as a Pentium 4 2.4ghz, though it's not exact. Yes the faster processor is definitely gonna make it faster, also running Windows 98 doesn't help, getting Windows XP will actually give a good performance boost.
bosox188 said:
Wrong. Yes the Athlon XP's clock speed is 2.2ghz, but it performs about the same as a Pentium 4 2.4ghz, though it's not exact. Yes the faster processor is definitely gonna make it faster, also running Windows 98 doesn't help, getting Windows XP will actually give a good performance boost.

I got those numbers off of Newegg, so don't blame me, blame Newegg. :)
Malfunction said:
I got those numbers off of Newegg, so don't blame me, blame Newegg. :)

No I know of course it will say 2ghz cause that IS the clock speed, but AMD cpu's do a lot more work per clock cycle so even though the XP 2400+ is only 2ghz it's about as fast as a Pentium 4 2.4ghz (really the only Pentiums that will beat the equivalent XP are the P4C's, Northwood's, they're the best P4's and it can get confusing) because it does more work per clock cycle so it doesn't need to be clocked as high because it gets more out of each clock cycle. So yes newegg is right and that's what everything will say because that is the actual clock speed. Hope that explains it.
Yup you wouldn't believe the increase people get for switching to Windows XP, having the latest OS really does make sure you get the most out of you system.
you have xp on your comp, right, so stop wasting time and install it on his.