question about graphic settings


Apr 26, 2004
Reaction score
I just got a new computer, stats are:

Athlon 64 3000
BFG Geforce 6800 OC
1GB DDR 400 RAM(i think pc3200, is there a way i can check?)

And im concerned because i have everything on high 6XAA 16XAF and i get very smooth performance and i never seem to drop 1 fps and i didnt think this would be possible. Can someone tlel me if this i snormal? maybe the game isn't really putting it on high graphics when it says it is? also how do i find out my fps?

also it wont let me upload a picture of my water but it doesnt look like dx9 like at the beginning of the game it looks like its just silver like its not moving and stuff like in the e3 video's. is it supposed to be like that at the beginning?!

hmm i know that you can find your FPS in games by the console or if you somehow get into games config-window-thingy (that .exe file thats in most games database) while running a game........
bring up the console and type "cl_showfps 1" and it should show the frame rate I think.

if you want to post a pic, I suggest hosting it at it's great, they're free, try it out if you like.

I was thinking there was a console command that showed your directx version the game was using, but I can't find it now, maybe I imagined it. :P
and how do i get rid of the fps thing just type in the console: cl_showfps 1 again?!
This is the first time a user has complained about NOT having FPS problems in HL2 lol.

I have an

AMD XP 2500
BFG 6800 OC
1 gig of OCZ DDR 400 (also known as PC3200)

and the game runs about 40-70 FPS in game at:

4x AF
Water reflect world
All other settings on High.

There are a few things you can do to make sure your video card is running DX 9. Open Options/Video/Advanced and look at the bottom and confirm that the game is running in Dx9.

Also, open Counter-Strike: Source and run the Stress Test. Post how many FPS you get at what video resolution and settings.

Also, what Nvidia drivers are you using?
i dont know im just using the ones that came with the computer, cause everytime i try to install the newest driver it says it can't run until all other microsoft programs are done installing or something like that, and nothing else is open, so can someone help me with that.