Question about ISO's and BIN's and such

Jul 1, 2003
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I have iso's and bin's of cd images and such on my computer. I know iso's can be burned to CDR's and then act just like a normal cd...but what about bin files? Same for them?

Also..what if the bin file is bigger than any normal CDR size...say...760 or 800 mb..I can't find any 800 mb CDR's... I tried nero image drive.. but that only works for iso files. I'm trying to get *something* outta these bin files..and isobust doesn't seem to keeps asking for the cd when I'm installing.

Any help?
Originally posted by AmishSlayer
I have iso's and bin's of cd images and such on my computer. I know iso's can be burned to CDR's and then act just like a normal cd...but what about bin files? Same for them?

Also..what if the bin file is bigger than any normal CDR size...say...760 or 800 mb..I can't find any 800 mb CDR's... I tried nero image drive.. but that only works for iso files. I'm trying to get *something* outta these bin files..and isobust doesn't seem to keeps asking for the cd when I'm installing.

Any help?

The bin file's usually are bigger than any CD, but do fit on cd, once burned they take up less space. *.bin files are usually accompanied by a *.cue file though so the burner knows how to write them.

both cue/bin & iso images can be emulated by a program called Daemon Tools, which means you dont need to write these to CD-R... very handy indeed.
Re: Re: Question about ISO's and BIN's and such

Originally posted by craigweb2k
The bin file's usually are bigger than any CD, but do fit on cd, once burned they take up less space. *.bin files are usually accompanied by a *.cue file though so the burner knows how to write them.

both cue/bin & iso images can be emulated by a program called Daemon Tools, which means you dont need to write these to CD-R... very handy indeed.

Ah thanks. There's no .cue wonder. I'll have to check out these Daemon Tools you speak of...
The bin is worthless without the .Cue file, no program can read the .bin without the .cue. Also the normal version of Nero can burn .bins
Deamon-tools can read .bin files without cue.
Oh, just that every time I've used it it has asked me for the .cue :/
If there isn't a .cue file, you can make one in notepad:

TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
INDEX 01 00:00:00

Rename the extension to cue and place it in the same folder as the *.bin file.
But be carefull, if you have a movie with extension *.dat, it may not work this way, so you have to find the cue file for your movie.

Edit: What the hell did you make me manhack for?
UltraISO reads .bin files, so you could just extract the files and burn the CD yourself, although if you want to make a backup copy, then the copywrite-protection may need to be overcome....
Or you could use a proggy called WinISO.. it converts bins to ISOs..
Nero can burn bin files without the cue. u just have 2 know what ur doing

I found a program called DirectISO that solved my problems. It can convert BIN's to ISO's so now I can use Nero Image Drive. Thanks for the help anyways. Good to know the community is there to help out.
Originally posted by Jammydodger
Nero can burn bin files without the cue. u just have 2 know what ur doing


Yep :) . I don't worry about the cue file. If i can find a cue file great, if not doesn't matter.

Just go to burn image in nero burning rom, select the bin, select data mode 2, check raw data, and bam you're good to go. (Or something like that, its been a while)
a moderator be a pirate??? yarrrg? i only play pirated copies of games I have already owned at one point and just cant find :bounce:

im not accuseing you just asking