Question About Lucid Dreaming...


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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Ok, I was wondering, could you train yourself in lucid dreams?

For example, you want to learn something like shooting (Marksman), if you trained in a lucid dream shooting a rifle, and then shot the same rifle in real life, will the lucid dream change anything?

Or maybe other things like, biking, skateboarding, driving, or break-dancing..

I had a very real dream, it felt real anyways, and when I woke up, for some reason I thought of this question, I think it might work, but only on certain things, like if you could lift 150 pounds in a dream, and you couldn't do it in real life, then I doubt lucid dreaming about it would change anything. But for example if it's something like shooting, you could train in that, because either way you have the same physical fitness, in dream or real life.
Unlikely as your mind is unlikely to create a 100% representation of real world physics.
Well, if it's a lucid dream, you can try to make it as realistic as possible, right?
You probably could simulate 100% real-world physics if you practiced hard enough.
Danimal said:
You probably could simulate 100% real-world physics if you practiced hard enough.

Maybe if you had enough realworld experience it could work, eg if you knew instinctly the accuracy and recoil of the rifle in question. But then again I think your mind would model physics the way you would expect them to work and not how they actually work.
You can't mention "Lucid Dreams" on without xlucidx popping in....

*Throws xlucidx in a dumpster and shouts "STAY OUT!!"*

Oh and HunterSeeker, what if you've shot the gun before, wouldn't you know what to expect? I mean, your not going to practise shooting a gun you've never shot in real life, right? What's the point? Other than fun, but thats not what I'm talking about..
Lucid dreaming is really best for practicing things like social situations, gaining confidence etc...
...and having casual sex. Flying too.
I wish I could lucid dream. That would be awesome fun.
Well, I actually taught myself to drive stick in a dream. When I was first learning I had major difficulty because no one on earth knows how to teach driving stick properly... so one night I had a dream where I tried something new and I tried it and it worked. Now I rock ass at manual. So yes!
Dan said:
...and having casual sex. Flying too.

Or having casual sex while flying.

That reminds me of one of my favorite MST3K episodes about a movie called puma man.

Jane Dobson: I've never seen anybody make love in the air before!
Prof. Tony Farms: But that's how you make little puma men.

I don't think you could teach yourself shoot a firearm without having the knowledge to create an accurate simulation of the firearm. If you are inexperienced with a firearm then you aren't going to be able to do that.
If you have enough feel of the firearm, and just wanted to improve your skills on it, you probably could. :D
Sainku said:
I don't think you could teach yourself shoot a firearm without having the knowledge to create an accurate simulation of the firearm. If you are inexperienced with a firearm then you aren't going to be able to do that.
I agree.:)
I know that lucid dreams are quite useful for practicing speechs and such (as long as you can remember them when you wake) But the problem with 'practicing' in your dream would be that, perhaps your are unconciously giving yourself 100% accuracy. Also, you may not be able to concentrate enough to aim, or work out where you have hit. Or you may concentrate too much and wake up... which is just as annoying.
If you could improve your skills with a firearm in lucid dreaming, then the government would be all over that and ban it. D:

Or they'd try and make a medicine that was supposed to cancel out dreams.
Yes, mental rehearseal is a great method to imporve skills.
I remembered that in the dream, which is extremely real, I was trapped in a bus manufactory. The dream was boring and I tried to weak myself up (Of course I knew I was dreaming in the dream). I tried to kill myself in the dream, and did everything possible to wake myself up, since the dream is extremely boring. Afterall, it is so hard to wake yourself up when you are dreaming. That's hilarious, though.

But I know how to contol my dream. Sometimes I want to see my classmate (a pretty girl, honestly), so I think of the girl's face, body, dress, the way she talk and move. And I really dream of her. Although I cannot control the content of the dream, it is most likely agreeable and enjoyable (no sex involved). I think this method can be used to produce a firearm training room also.