Question about mapping in Hammer


Oct 3, 2004
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Ok, I've been making simple maps in worldcraft and hammer for ages... I can do cool stuff like displacement mapping etc in hammer

but one thing I have never understood is how do you place a texture (i think its specifically called a decal) onto a brush?

also, I want to place some "nodraw" decals (I think they are decals) on some surfaces that are not seen, can someone please assist me with this?

rammstein said:
I new it was overlays! damnit I could kiss you :P

ok that's all well and good but I still don't know how the no draw works, care to share anyone :)
To use nodraw:

1. Open the texture tool.
2. Select the faces or object to texture (the same as aplying any texture).
3. Open the texture browser.
4. Type nodraw into the filter.
5. Doubleclick the left one.
6. Hit apply.

Basically nodraw is just a materal that tells the remderer to do nothing, so it behaves like any other material :)