This is probably really simple, but I'm trying to figure out how to make it so you can pull the combine computers/interfaces off of walls. They're really the only kind of prop that fits in the map I'm working on.
To do that, they need to be a prop_physics, with the "starts asleep" flag checked under properties for the object. (alt+enter)
You may also want to check the "prevent motion enable on player bump" flag.
Depending on how you want it to behave, you may want to prevent all movement until the phys-gun is used on it. There is a checkbox for that as well.
If the model you want to use is not a prop_physics, you can make it a prop_dynamic and parent it to a func_physbox entity that is covered in the "nodraw" texture.
I thought I'd tack this question here. Didn't think it was worth a new thread.
In hammer when you apply a model to a prop is the model supposed to be all black? Also is there a way to change the distance that hammer turns the model into a big solid box?
you actually can change the distance. goto your options, then 3d view tab. then there is a slider bar with some like model draw distance as the title. just move that to something higher.