Question about the Witch


Nov 12, 2008
Reaction score
Why is it even called a Witch in the place? It doesn't use any spells or anything like a traditional witch does. It seems more like a Siren to me than anything, with the whole "lures you in with the crying, only to attack you," bit.

If you agree with me, what else would you call it?
Probably because it's satanic like regular witches, plus it's female and there's not really any other name those sexist bastards at Valve could think up. (jk)
I'd call it The Moaning Lisa

All the names aren't that exact.
Boomer... Goes boom when he dies?
Hunter hunts, I guess.
Smoker... Smokes.
Tank is large. Also tough.
Witch is female.

That's about it.
What would you call an old lady that is being a bitch to you? A witch. It doesn't necessarily mean that she has magical powers, it also has the meaning of being a bitch. Which she is because she kills you in 1 hit.

That bitch.
Well she scratches..

why not call her Scratcher? Or Scratch Attack Mac?
Because witch sounds awesome and the dudes on zombie-hunt duty didn't exactly have time to consult a dictionary.
They probably didn't think they could get Bitch past the ratings board as a character name.
Just think of the feeling when you hear the crying.
Your first instinct should be to yell 'WITCH' into your mic.
It has an awesome impact.
I like the names they've given the monsters, simple and awesome... witch is scary as fudge...
they should make her a little harder to detect, like maybe disguise her as a survivor waiting to be recovered but SURPRISE!
I think the power of the witch is not that she kills you, but the terror she produces by letting you know that she's right there, just waiting.
I think I never managed to make it past the witch without having to fight her. Provided nobody shoots her and everyone turn their flashlights off, there's usually a few zombies around that need killing and the shooting itself startles her, it seems.
It's awesome hearing her cry, I just start creeping about and whispering "did you guys hear that?".
