question about wow graphics


Apr 26, 2004
Reaction score
here are my specs:

1 gig ram
nvidia geforce 6800 (factory overclocked) (its the BFG edition)
athlon 3000

shouldnt i be able to play WoW on full settings? there is definetly something wrong with my computer tho because even at low graphics the screen is still choppy a little whenever i turn around and it flashes black for a split second every once in a while. wtf is going on? anyone know?
Definitely something wrong with your computer. Not sure what exactly. Make sure it's not getting too hot and you have update drives.

My guess its a hardware issue and not driver issue.
what settings should i be able to play wow on tho? any af? what about terrain distance?
It depends. Where exactly are you when it jerks? My fps spike when i turn around in orgrimmar to face towards the AH entrance, but once your Pc has initially loaded all that it shouldn't jerk.

If you're getting frequent jerking, then either your settings are to much for your computer or, you need to clean up your PC of spyware and other stuff that hogs it.

Also, don't overdo the usage of memory for addons, i noticed that if i put it to say, 128mb i get bad bad issues but i have mine to 48mb i think and it works fine. Don't go overkill on the mods if you're using any, they may make somethings easier to do but they don't do your computer any favours. Here is a picture of my UI , pretty basic really. My PC is similar in terms of gfx card, 3.8 amd 64 2gb corsair 256mb x800pro and i can't play with any AF so i'd advise you don't. Notice my fps in that picture..33.7 and thats 40 people, so don't go overkill, when stuff starts happening, like the 15 caster classes start shooting their pretty spells, it will nuke my fps down to about 15 - 20.

Anyway, my advice..don't use AF/AA and adjust WoW to what you do (i.e raid or solo) and don't tweek while in orgrimmar or ironforge as them 2 places are pretty unrealistic. Your not the only person in WoW, if you was then 16x/6x wahay! :P
this might sound odd, but i just put AF on full. and it improved my framerate noticeably
It's a problem WoW has with nVidia cards, Blizzard doesn't know what the bug is exactly and neither does nVidia, so there isn't a solution.
I have no problems with my BFG 6600GTOC whilst playing WoW.

Whats you internet connection like?
Done spyware/adaware/virus scans and the like?
Updated drivers?
I have a 6800 and it runs great (not on full settings cause my CPU isn't quite up to scratch).
I have a GeForce 6800 Ultra 256 MB, and it runs great. I am not sure if I have AA maxed but ill check. I think its on 4x or something. (at work now).
If you're lagging or getting a shitty framerate in cities (IF,SW, etc...) you need more ram. It's all the preloading of player models that lags you.

Oh and quit wow. :p
It could possibly be a firewall problem. For some reason, the Nvidia firewall kills fps for me in some games. All I did was uninstall the Nvidia Forceware program, used windows firewall instead, and everything was fine.
If you're lagging or getting a shitty framerate in cities (IF,SW, etc...) you need more ram. It's all the preloading of player models that lags you.

Oh and quit wow. :p

1GB is normally enough, but stepping it up to 2gb cant hurt.

And I quit wow a couple times, and it keeps pulling me back,.
Sounds to me like it is a driver issue. If you don't have the most recent drivers, update them to the newest. If you do have the newest, try using drivers from about 4-6 months ago. You can find almost all drivers from guru3d, both official and custom.

The flashes of black sound like it could be overheating. Have you noticed any other artifacts such as dots or streaks of color? Overheating could be caused by drivers or your factory overclock.
1GB is normally enough, but stepping it up to 2gb cant hurt.

And I quit wow a couple times, and it keeps pulling me back,.

True, 1gb is enough for most of the time, it's only when you hearth to your main city on week nights and weekends that you need it the most.

And I quit three times. Most recent one was a few weeks ago. To make sure I wouldn't go back I de'ed everything, and gave all the gold (over 2600) and about 40 nexus shards to a friend. Left my char naked then deleted him. I just bought Dark Messiah and Company of Heroes to forget WoW. It's working for now :)
You think it's working Gunner....but your like that cashier who takes shit and takes shit from customers...until one day he just goes insane and kills everybody.
In other words, the WoW will build up in you...and then it will explode out and you will once again be addicted.
You think it's working Gunner....but your like that cashier who takes shit and takes shit from customers...until one day he just goes insane and kills everybody.
In other words, the WoW will build up in you...and then it will explode out and you will once again be addicted.

Not to derail the thread but I'm pretty sure I'm done this time. With the expansion coming out I personally know I don't have the patience to grind to 70 and grind rep all over again :P I'm done with wow.