Question for UK'ers


Nov 27, 2004
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Hi folks, I need some help here. I've got this holiday coming up at the end of this school year, where me and my mates are all going to New Quay for a week and its turning out to be an insane price (which I keep telling them over and over) but anyway. I need someones advice on the best way to get down there cheap as possible, you see the cheapest coach fare I can find return is £50, but that just seems rediculous! Esspically when you can get flights for that price to Italy :eek:

So anyone got an idea of how I can get to Newquay from Liverpool nice and cheap? :D (i'll be forever in your debt!)
Walk. You need to set off a few months early though.
Have you tried looking on up for some prices? The earlier you book for trains the cheaper it is. Might get a better quote than for a coach?
Trains aren't a good choice. There's no direct routes, so you'd need to change trains three times. The total journey (including wait time for connections) is over 8 hours!!

Oh, and it'd also cost £122.70 per person... and that's for a "Saver Return" :O
Britain is the most expensive country in the world, I tells ya.
Fly. A few of my friends did it last year and it didn't actually cost them that much at all.
If you go from Liverpool to Manchester on the train, go to Manchester airport, you can get a bmibaby flight to Newquay. The flights themselves per person are £46.88 for a return ticket.

The train is about £6 (each way)
Aye I found that aswell, hmm just got to find out if my friends are willing to get a £14 cheap travel, but stay the night in the airport :D

I'd do it, heres to hoping they aren't all nesh ;(
Ah it seems i got the date a month out, and its actually July 21st, and woah at the price increase in everything D:

If anything deserved a massive nation wide protest its the price of public transport, its cheaper to just have a car which is rediculous :x
TheHamster22 said:
I need someones advice on the best way to get down there cheap as possible, you see the cheapest coach fare I can find return is £50,

Is that with National Express?

I thought it would of been cheaper.
Yeah I know, and its £60 in July... Its a complete rip-off :frown:

So much for promoting the use of public transport
Coach prices here are rediculous, Trains are cheaper.