Question on Disneyworld


Oct 16, 2004
Reaction score
All right, so I'm doing my drive to Disneyworld tomorrow, right? I'm sure it will be fun, because it's Disneyworld, right? RIGHT?

Anyhoo - here's my question. Should I or should I not ask one of those big cartoon character suit guys to give me a hug and then scream "RAPE!". If so, which character? Personally, I've always hated Mickey. Just not funny.
That's not real original
Try something more creative
Perhaps making the cartoon
character scream rape? ;-)
Ikerous said:
That's not real original
Try something more creative
Perhaps making the cartoon
character scream rape? ;-)
Well, I'd never heard it before. Not from many 19-year-old guys, anyway.

...but that's good. I like that. Heh heh...goofy..."RAPE! GOSHERS!"
While you're at it, take a picture and post it on 4chan with appropriate text accompaniment.
I've been to DisneyWorld in Florida twice, and there's nothing worse than to have some guy dressed in a cartoon character suit attempt to molest you, I think you should do it!

Disney, Wal-Mart, and Electronic Arts (I would say Microsoft but, to me, they don't seem as bad as they were) are, in my opinion, the evil capitalist triad. The people that let a man bleed to death from a stab wound rather than call an ambulance and ruin the fantasy world for everyone else, have no background checks because "they're too expensive" (which led to several sex offenders being hired to work with children), build stores on top of indian burial grounds & mexican temples, have been responsible for the destruction of the economies of many small towns, and generally do everything possible to completely demolish the competition while overworking their employees, paying them next to nothing, and never worrying about the consequences of their actions except in terms of profit margins. I've been boycotting all three of them for years. I suggest everyone else follows suit. That is really the only weapon we, the consumers, have to fight back... but unless enough of us go through with it we are powerless.
But... I LIKE the sims, simcity, and battlefield... and and .... EA has so many GOOD GAMES!
neptuneuk said:
Quoted for Emphasis, Ea dont have good games, Battlefield is only good because of the Mods (of which Desert Combat has been ripeed off and made into BF2). The rest of the games are poo with expansions of poo. ;(

I agree with the rest, boycott them... and McDonalds. :sleep:

And cry rape when pluto hugs you :) There's nothing scarier than a man in a big furry suit going around hugging little children and making silly noises.
The one in Florida or the one in LA?

And btw. I never liked Donald, hug him.
OCybrManO said:
Disney, Wal-Mart, and Electronic Arts (I would say Microsoft but, to me, they don't seem as bad as they were) are, in my opinion, the evil capitalist triad. The... ...with it we are powerless.

Oh no, its the new axis of evil...:O
Someone get me the president!

This is all well and good, but what does it have to do with Disney Land the and the rape of cartoon characters?
EA has nothing but shite, pretty shite. But shite.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Oh no, its the new axis of evil...:O
Someone get me the president!

This is all well and good, but what does it have to do with Disney Land the and the rape of cartoon characters?

Oh noes!!!!1111eleven!!, let's hope Bush doesn't invade Disney Land :(.
Do it to tweety, I always hated her, she is so ****ing irritating, I always wished Sylvester would eat her, and I also always hated jerry from tom and Jerry but unfortunatly you won't meet him at disney, but if you ever do meet him or anyone else here, kick him in the nuts.
Grey Fox said:
Do it to tweety, I always hated her, she is so ****ing irritating, I always wished Sylvester would eat her, and I also always hated jerry from tom and Jerry but unfortunatly you won't meet him at disney, but if you ever do meet him or anyone else here, kick him in the nuts.
I think tweety is a boy...
And she is a loony toon, goddamit, well just try to find her, maybe she will get lost and be in disny world, anyways kick her to.
It's really funny how disney are sponsoring the Chinese Youth Communist party. Red Mickey and all that. That's what I heard a while ago. At least I think I heard it.

Oh wait, found it:

Been to disney world 3 times before, but haven't been back to USA since the last time, 1997, so It's hard to remember the details. Just remember the jokes I played on my family.
Grey Fox said:
And she is a loony toon, goddamit, well just try to find her, maybe she will get lost and be in disny world, anyways kick her to.

I'm sensing some deep routed anger issues here...

also, tweety is a boy surely.
Well, I'm not interested in anything Disney has to offer these days, we don't have WalMart in New Zealand, and the only EA game I ever bought was Burnout 3, and I didn't know it was EA until I started it up. Oooooooooh that evil ****ing unskippable logo (funny though, the devs logo is bypassable with A). Makes me wanna plow into EA headquarters in a Longnose Cab and crashbreaker in the middle of the building. "CHALLENGE THIS YOU ****S!"
Yeah that is really irritating, I just don't know wy no reviewer complained ever about it, you always have to stand for atleast that ea logo for 5 seconds, man I had nfsu and you couldn't bypass that and for the movies you had to wait 10 seconds every time to click past them, it just made me not wanna play it. So if you come across Jerry, Tweety( and to me she sounds like an old hag, not a guy, and every time I heard her it just ruined my day), or soemone that has a ea shirt on, kick them in the nuts.
Yeah, bloody "Challenge Everything" wtf is that supposed to mean or does it have any value? Challenge yourself to play really bad over commericialised games to be honest :x
EA's bright and shiny new corporate trademark is "Challenge Everything." Where this applies is not exactly clear. Churning out one licensed football game after another doesn't sound like challenging much of anything to me; it sounds like a money farm. To any EA executive that happens to read this, I have a good challenge for you: how about safe and sane labor practices for the people on whose backs you walk for your millions?

He_Who_Is_Steve said:
All right, so I'm doing my drive to Disneyworld tomorrow, right? I'm sure it will be fun, because it's Disneyworld, right? RIGHT?

Anyhoo - here's my question. Should I or should I not ask one of those big cartoon character suit guys to give me a hug and then scream "RAPE!". If so, which character? Personally, I've always hated Mickey. Just not funny.
Hahahha. Aladdin or Cruella De Vil

Monkey, LA = Disney Land, Florida = Disney World
some journal said:
EA's bright and shiny new corporate trademark is "Challenge Everything." Where this applies is not exactly clear. Churning out one licensed football game after another doesn't sound like challenging much of anything to me; it sounds like a money farm. To any EA executive that happens to read this, I have a good challenge for you: how about safe and sane labor practices for the people on whose backs you walk for your millions?

Haha, gold.