Questions about Charechture (sp?) modeling

Jun 13, 2003
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Ok so having grown wary of relegating myself to just weapon models i want to attempt a player model. I've got the basics down (ref pics, etc...) i'm just wondering how most people would handle the following issues

1. Clothes- I would say specifically wrinkles and area where clothes overlap. Like the bottom of a shirt overlapping the waist, or the cuffs of the arms and pants overlapping the hands and boots

2. for animating purposes should the mesh be moddeled in seperate pieces or will we be using bones to handle that. If so then how do you keep the mesh from completely disforming.

i can't think of anything else at the moment but i'm sure i'll have some more questions. I've looked at 90-99% of al the tutorials out there but haven't got too much help from them.
i have one too.. for joints, such are the elbow and knee caps how many sections of pollys should there be for animation
urrr, for clothes. I would sujest been random. Check this out:

For joints I would sujest using a diagnal lines moving into the hip area, same with the hands. Here is an example:

This was my first character model and my advice is proberly not the best. I would get a second opinion.

I hope this helps anyway :P
ahh thanks for the pics ichi though i am still unsure of of how to go about area where clothes overlap. Anyone got any more ideas that they could share
they don't really, just try to be random with your verts and edges but not so random that u lose the inidal structure of the mesh.