Questions concerning doctor/nurse

bbson john

Feb 11, 2006
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How many head nurses are there in a hospital? What do they actually do?
What is the salary of a nurse/physician?
About how much money can a surgeon receive once he finished an operation?
I can answer you second question. Sureons gets a monthly salary, they don't get payed per operation.
"What!? My next operation is next week?! I'll never be able to afford my new TV - grab that man he needs a surgery"
"No I don't"
"Oh yes you do"
Sturgeons get paid a little more than a trout.
How many head nurses are there in a hospital? What do they actually do?
What is the salary of a nurse/physician?
About how much money can a surgeon receive once he finished an operation?

It all depends on the size/demand of the hospital. Salary varies from country to country
Nurses take care of those going into the hospital that need any type of care... whether it be a post-operation care or because you've come into the emergency room and need to be taken care of.

A good senior staff nurse can make around $100k a year (my dad makes this as a nurse)...
well private practice doctors DO get paid per operation. bastards.

doctors are paid too well and nurses are paid too badly. only a very very top nurse will get $100 a year, and it won't be a woman. - women still earn on average 70% of what men do just for having breasts and no willy.
Your dad's a nurse, hahahahahaha

Does he prance around in tights and go to knitting classes?

Your dad's a nurse, hahahahahaha

Does he prance around in tights and go to knitting classes?


lol yea yea... i'd like to see you handle a room full of 20 fire victims with 70% of their body covered in 3rd degree burns screaming for help and not sh*t your pants :)

I admire him for the stuff hes able to do... I couldn't even imagine doing it. I probably would of went into the field too if I was able to handle that sort of stuff... considering hes getting paid $100k a year!!