Questions that need answering



In the E3 demo of Half Life 2, Gabe says that the environments have displacement maps, and that any surface can be altered. Then in the barricade movie, gordon throws a grenade at 2 combine, one flies foward and hits a car(my favorite part), and the other flies backwards. When he goes past where he threw the grenade, there's no crater to be found, just a black spot.

Can anyone tell us if this is a glitch? or a lie:flame:

Half Life 2-$49.99, Half Life 2 Gold-$59.99, Sued Hacker-$50,000,000, Leaking the greatest game of all time, knowing that if you have it your screwed-priceless
Have you ever thrown a grenade before? It doesn't cause much damage to compacted surfaces such as hard rock. Certainly not enough to warrant tons of extra geometry to be created and changed on the fly when someone throws a grenade, just imagine how slow that would make it. its true that any surface can be displaced like that, but to do it you need to subdivide the surface in question first, creating more polygons in the process, the more you got the better it looks the slower it gets. Maybe one day we'll have games that detailed where even grains of sand are accurately calculated, but I don't imagine it'll be for a few years yet.

With lots of special coding in a mod I bet changing the surface of any object to reflect damage caused by grenades could be done when the games released, but you probably wont get many people able to play it
Grenades are anti personnel weapons, they don't do much structural damage generally (a great myth promoted by countless war films). The demo movie demonstates the use of dynamic dispacement maps at the beginning when the ground moves up (on the tech demo part)
Originally posted by PvtRyan

crossposting is when something is posted across a number of groups, forums, threads etc at the same time, which I don't think you can do on this forum. If he's posted the same thing elsewhere a few times then thats spamming or too impatient if he didn't get an answer the time before. I can't say as I've seen it asked lately though, there is a discussion regarding displacement modeling in one of the editing sections though
The explosion of a grenade is just to send shrapnel flying. If anything the only damage would be maybe a small burn mark but, a lot of holes all around, depending on the kind of grenade.
Hopefully this feature will be implemented better than red faction....
Originally posted by Fenric1138
crossposting is when something is posted across a number of groups, forums, threads etc at the same time, which I don't think you can do on this forum. If he's posted the same thing elsewhere a few times then thats spamming or too impatient if he didn't get an answer the time before. I can't say as I've seen it asked lately though, there is a discussion regarding displacement modeling in one of the editing sections though

He's posting it across different sections of the forum, so in my book that's crossposting.
Originally posted by PvtRyan
He's posting it across different sections of the forum, so in my book that's crossposting.

ok well I'll take your word for it, I did try find it but only found one very similar to my post about grenades, but it was posted about 12 hours after mine or something. I find these web forums very hard to navigate though so wont keep looking :), its bad enough trying to find threads I've been following even with searches heh