Quick question and request...


Jul 5, 2003
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... I don't know if questions are allowed in this forum, so here goes. I'm currently doing a model and trying to be as efficient as possible have a question about faces/polygons (see attached image).

Now I know its possible to weld vertices together using the 'weld vert' option with vertices sub-selection on, but in 'polygon mode' is it possible to merge faces/polygons together? If you look at the picture attached, basically all I'm wanting to do is merge faces on the same plane together so that they become one face without having to delete all of them and create a new one. Is it possible?

Secondly, does anyone have any reference blueprints for the 'Spowith Camel' planes from WW1? I've looked all over the internet and the only thing I came close to finding were refs for the 'Sopwith Pup', which are no good.

Cheers in advance.
i think the best thing to do would be to delete the 4 pollys and then create another one in its place usinging the create tool under the polly sub-section
craigweb2k said:
If you look at the picture attached, basically all I'm wanting to do is merge faces on the same plane together so that they become one face without having to delete all of them and create a new one. Is it possible?
hehe go me :D

well i dont think you can weld faces together in the same way you can do with vertexs. i dont see any other options :( what do you need to do it for?
As far as I know you cant merge those polys the way you want to.
But you could do what I'm showning on the attached image.
i might be able to help if understood wtf your on about :p. if someone could translate it into stupid person English ( for me ) id be very grateful, and no, ive already tried FreeTranslation.com :p
lol he wants to turn the 4 pollys in red into 1 i think
The is a quick and easy answer.


hope this helps :)
InfInIte has the right idea; to create one big polygon out of several smaller coplanar ones you simply delete all the vertices and edges that separate them.

It’s best to remove all the vertices first (they usually take edges with them) then mop up all the remaining edges using the same technique (see edge.jpg).

Oh, and here is that ref you were after (camel.jpg).
Do what infinite said, then take the 8 surrounding vertices, and target weld the middle ones with the corner ones, otherwise it's just going to re-cut the mesh when you export, and you'll probably have the same number of polygons anyway. So you have to weld the vertices that have no corresponding edge so they don't automatically create one for you.
There is a plugin that adds a lot of awesome little modeling short-cuts (one of which is what you need) but I lost it after I formatted last... I'll see if I can find it again.