Quick question (but important)


Aug 23, 2003
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Just received my brand spanking new Club 3d x800 pro vivo. For some reason the included driver cd did not want to work so I just went to the ati website and downloaded the 4.6 catalysts.
Is this ok?? Will my new baby work to its full potential?

Download the 4.7s... Oh yea get rid of the drivers from your old card too.
The drivers included on any CD will most likely be outdated... Use the drivers from the ATI website.

HOWEVER... the CD might have some extra software. Optional of course, all you really NEED is the driver, but I know my radeon came with a CD that had DVD playing software and such, which is nice if you don't already have that.

EDIT: Yeah, what pressure said.... ;)
if it's a vivo card, it might have the capture stuff on it.... but i've been reading that you cna flash the vivo cards to use 16 pipes...
yea, planning on flashing it tomorrow evening when i have some free time. Appearently there has been nearly 100% success rate of flashing the vivo x800 pro to an x800xt, no matter the brand. I just pulled back the decal on my heatsink, and lo and behold it says x800xt.

O and cheers for the help everyone