Quick question [Cookie inside]


Jul 7, 2003
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Anyone know if its possible to open a passworded protected Excel document, but if you have forgetten the password? Don't worry its not me who has forgotten the password, I have more brains then that.
You could try opening it in a program like OpenOffice, which might bypass the password, but other than that I don't think so.
dekstar said:
I almost clicked that you know! Then I saw the link and sunk into my chair :(

It's safe to click. Despite the name.
Yeah it's possible, because its offline its easily bruteforcable... I had a piece of kit that automatically bruteforced the password on a document that was locked, it cracked a 6 char password in about 5 mins.

Can't remember the name of the tool, but I found it pretty quickly through google.
dekstar said:
I almost clicked that you know! Then I saw the link and sunk into my chair :(
I wasn't fast enough ;(

But I knew he had more brains then that. ( ;) )