Quick RAM question

Death Spike

Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
I bought a new stock HP computer that has an E6400 Core 2 duo and 2gb ram among other things. However, when I go through my control panel and check my system specs, it lists it as only 1gb ram. What's going on?
I bought a new stock HP computer that has an E6400 Core 2 duo and 2gb ram among other things. However, when I go through my control panel and check my system specs, it lists it as only 1gb ram. What's going on?

Is it brand new?

You can try re-seating the RAM

Going into bios settings and checking the status.

Contact the manufacturer to have them send you a new RAM chipset.

Upgrade it to a better set of RAM chipsets and put these in a box.

Try booting the PC with just one RAM chipset in the PC. If it works, turn it off and try just the other RAM chipset. If it doesn't work, then you might have bad ram, or need to reseat and try again.

What I think is that it has two 512MB RAM chipsets, and the potential for two 1GB RAM chipsets, and you are mistaken. PC's usually don't come with that much RAM, at least not that I have noticed. 1GB is pretty nice for a pre-built, as most of them have been coming with 512 for a few years, and before that it was 256MB of course. If yours really has 2GB, I'd be surprised.
Maybe you were misled by the salesman, advertisement and, you only have 2x512MB modules and not 2GB?

Get into BIOS and actually check what BIOS is reporting, or better yet, download CPU-Z (Google it) and check spec.

Good Luck.
Get into BIOS and actually check what BIOS is reporting, or better yet, download CPU-Z (Google it) and check spec.
I downloaded CPU-Z and it also lists it as 1gb of ram. Well, it's been working fine so far, but it's still frustrating that I was misled.

What I think is that it has two 512MB RAM chipsets, and the potential for two 1GB RAM chipsets, and you are mistaken. PC's usually don't come with that much RAM, at least not that I have noticed. 1GB is pretty nice for a pre-built, as most of them have been coming with 512 for a few years, and before that it was 256MB of course. If yours really has 2GB, I'd be surprised.
I guess I wasn't so lucky. I don't understand how this could happen; the advertisement for it, and the label on the CPU tower lists it as 2gb ram. Sadly, I can't do anything now. But, I am going to consider trying to build my own computer when it's time to upgrade. Anyway, thanks for the help guys.
I downloaded CPU-Z and it also lists it as 1gb of ram. Well, it's been working fine so far, but it's still frustrating that I was misled.

I guess I wasn't so lucky. I don't understand how this could happen; the advertisement for it, and the label on the CPU tower lists it as 2gb ram. Sadly, I can't do anything now. But, I am going to consider trying to build my own computer when it's time to upgrade. Anyway, thanks for the help guys.


Why can't you do anything about it?

Sales has become an evil artform. Does it actually say, "2 GB of RAM?" or is it something along the lines of upgradable to 2Gb?

Anyway, RAM Is cheap now, and you can possibly get faster RAM for it if you decide you need more than 1GB later down the line.

I've been really happy with 1GB for like 2 years. You shouldn't run out of RAM unless you are doing some serious shit with it - open like 60 copies of an image viewer open at the same time and your PC might stop responding at all. There will be warning signs, thats when you need to cut back or risk a crash.

Sounds like a great PC. Have fun.
I downloaded CPU-Z and it also lists it as 1gb of ram. Well, it's been working fine so far, but it's still frustrating that I was misled.

Yeah? Sorry to hear that.

Can't you make a fuzz and raise hell about it? Like if you bought it from online; you can search for the advertisement page and, file a complain; through customer department. Or, if it's like Best Buy item; have em call the manager and act like you're having a stroke.

Anyway (And I'm telling this to every PC user out there) Build you PC, You've learned how to skateboard, ride a bike, play chess, pick a girl; why are you guys still feeding your hard earned dollar to these OEM system builders?
Most of top of the line OEM PCs are based to micro-boards, the cheapest most genetic micro-boards and, they'll sell it to you for a $1000.00. Do you have any idea what a thousand would buy you?

Go out there and build your stuff, you can work on your car, change tire, give tun-up; why not build the most entertainment item in your life Just the way you like it?

Good Luck.