Quiz: What videogame character are you?

solid snake... thats acceptable. at least im not the pussy raiden
I am Snake too, loving the Sonic music in the background :D
They didn't have anything about pin stripes or robbing banks. :(

tommy vercetti
Apartently I am Lara Croft.

Never did like tomb raider..
It's more like "Think of a game charactor and i'll guess it" as opposed to what it clames to do.

Most of the questions were obviously aimed at easily identifying a charactor rather than building up a picture of your charactor/personallity.

I'd have prefered questions like those in the start of Morrowind. For those who havn't played it here's an example (not quoted exactly by any means):

You are returning home having purchased HL2 when some bullies approch you and threaten to beat you for it. What do you do?

1) Call the ringleader an insulting name then get ready for the fight that ensues.
2) Throw the case up in the air and while they watch it land the first punch.
3) Run away, since it would be an unfair fight.
I wanted to be the Doom Guy :(

i got Tommy Vercetti instead

and who the hell is Jill Valentine?
Solid Snake... are there more than what... 3 characters you can be?
first: jill valentine-I dont choose "bitch" in the male-female question so why I am a woman?

second: master chief-well is not bad

third: tommy vercetty-me tommy vercetty? ok thats rare

IMO this test is really bad and hav few characters

HatRabit is master chief. HatRabit thinks master chief looks like a robot, HatRabit thinks this is bad.

I can jump like mofo