R.I.P. Michael Clarke Duncan


The Freeman
Jan 6, 2011
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I thought this was worth a thread. Most of the articles about it obviously focus on him being John Coffey in The Green Mile but he did so much more than that.

I frigging loved this dude, great actor and a really funny guy, too.


Wow, I didn't even know he was sick.

I always enjoyed him in movies.
Wow, I didn't even know he was sick.

I always enjoyed him in movies.
Yeah, he had a heart attack in July this year and never fully recovered from it. 54 as well. Far too early.
Jesus f*cking christ. No. I wanted him to play Kingpin in a reboot of Daredevil. FGod damn it. I'm too drunk to be this emoptuional.

RIP Michael,. you really werwe an incredible person. I love you man,.
Wow I never made the connection between Green Mile and Armageddon. Damn, R.I.P
Yeah hardly knew he was in so many things I've seen. Funny and serious. RIP.
Haven't seen him in much, but he did do a great job in the Green Mile.

What a shame. Sure his job usually consisted of filling a certain character physical archetype but he was great at what he did.
His passing made me cry like a bitch.

Actually just got a friend to check out The Green Mile a few days before his death, weirded me out.