

Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
Today is Raziaar's birthday.

Well, at least in Texas it is (it's still 8:05 the eigth here :P), BUT TEXAS IS ALL THAT MATTERS, RIGHT?


Miss your posting antics :(

He was serious about leaving, wasn't he?

How mooving.


I'm surprised his birfday isn't shown in the "birthdays" list at the bottom of the forum though, yet the birthday of a man who hasn't posted in 2 years is.
Im Emailing ihm on happy birthday.

Emailing him the link i mean :p
Raziaaar... Razziaaaaar... oh, man, it's weird without choo.
Where thou now, mad cow?

Wonder where he is.... :(
He's........ waiting......

C'mon Raz, time for your annual milking.
Poor guy. We'll miss you so!!!! ;(

Happeh Burthdehy!
We needs to slaughter the cow before Christmas, so I suggest you start looking for him.
sure he wouldnt give a shiv about this place
You guys should stop horsing around...................... wait that doesn't work.
I guess I'm the only one that didn't really care for him.

not the only one ..he wasnt all that bad just a little petulant. And his reasoning for leaving wasnt the best imho ..he lost a debate to Mechagodzilla and decided to leave
Yeah, that was my impression as well.

By all means, a decent guy. But the bulk of my conversations with him took place in the Politics forum, and generally they always touched on his religious convictions in some way. The common routine was:

1.) Raziaar makes a statement.
2.) Statement is questioned and critiqued.
3.) Raziaar offers apologetics.
4.) Apologetics are questioned and critiqued.
5.) Raziaar gets indignant and develops a misplaced victim mentality.

It's like he left because he didn't like being corrected, in which case he could have just laid off the Politics section. I hope I don't sound arrogant or condescending when I say that.
I mostly saw #5

and no you dont sound condescending ..I mean we should debate within our limits and concede points when it's obvious we've lost ..not run away when the going gets tough ..Mecha wasnt even especially sarcastic/rude/condescending and had valid points
/me lays virtual flowers on grave

long live cowman
They say that when a normal man passes away, people no longer remember the bad things in his life, but rather what stood out. I for one, don't remember any of his debates with Mecha, but only the lovable dancing cow.
Perhaps it is best if we remember not his faults but what he meant to us.

They say that when a normal man passes away, people no longer remember the bad things in his life, but rather what stood out. I for one, don't remember any of his debates with Mecha, but only the lovable dancing cow.
Perhaps it is best if we remember not his faults but what he meant to us.

Aha, but he was no normal man... he was a COW man... therefore we must exacerbate his faults to the highest degree!
They say that when a normal man passes away, people no longer remember the bad things in his life, but rather what stood out. I for one, don't remember any of his debates with Mecha, but only the lovable dancing cow.
Perhaps it is best if we remember not his faults but what he meant to us.


QFT, I'll miss the bastard.
I don't remember talking much with him, but I've forgotten most thing's I've done here anyway, so... I have no idea how I reached 8500 posts; I still feel like a n00b sometimes.

What happened to tr0n, BTW, I haven't seen him in a while.
he was rendered obsolete by the release of Tron 2.0

I used to talk to him via MSN a lot. He hasn't logged on in forever, though.