Race X...

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I've heard a lot of people say that race x is like xen that it was colonized by the combine... but if my memory serves me correctly... didnt the race x aliens fight the xen aliens... now if what is said is true that doesnt make sense... why would the combines two slave races fight each other? why wouldnt they join together to fight earth forces... purhaps race x isnt controlled by the combine... purhaps they are some kinda of rebels who are fighting against the combine... and who knows why they dont like use... purhaps it was a big misunderstanding... or maybe they thought that if they could wipe us out and take earth before the combine then they could prevent them from taking another planet/race... now... i'm wondering... what ever happened to race x...
if im wrong about race x fighting the xen aliens pls tell me... i havnt played opfor in a LOOOONG time so i might not remember it correctly
Race X was never given a good explanation on its background. They appear to be sentient life and much stronger than xen aliens. OPFOR says that "Race X appeared after Gordon left for the boarder world." They don't seem to like humans that much but I never saw Xen and Race X at the same time battling each other.
Very interesting thread. Been so long since i played op force. Complete forgot about all this.
Milkman said:
Race X was never given a good explanation on its background. They appear to be sentient life and much stronger than xen aliens. OPFOR says that "Race X appeared after Gordon left for the boarder world." They don't seem to like humans that much but I never saw Xen and Race X at the same time battling each other.
No, they would totally try to take down that Garg on the dam...
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
No, they would totally try to take down that Garg on the dam...
Thats because the Garg was set as enemy to all. Spawning anything around it, xen, xrace, marines, assassins, security guards, they will all shoot it before they shoot each other... I think.
Milkman said:
Thats because the Garg was set as enemy to all. Spawning anything around it, xen, xrace, marines, assassins, security guards, they will all shoot it before they shoot each other... I think.
You've personally witnessed a Garg being attacked by sentien Xen aliens? (Vortigaunts, Grunts, Controllers)
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
You've personally witnessed a Garg being attacked by sentien Xen aliens? (Vortigaunts, Grunts, Controllers)
Not yet, going to go check it out right now and bring screenshots back.
Okay I'm back, but apparently I can't prove my point because if a model is not precached for that particular map the game crashes. And even then most of the commands dont work.
Hmmm...okay, well I'm holding my ground and saying that sentient Xen aliens would not attack a Garg. I'm almost positive that Gargs are part of the Xen "army" if you could call it that.
Yes they are part of the Xen army, they guard the entrance to Ninhilanth's lair. I'm not sure what point I am trying to prove but I think it is safe to say that Xen and Race X are not allies. Only thing they have in common is that they don't like humans.
Milkman said:
Yes they are part of the Xen army, they guard the entrance to Ninhilanth's lair. I'm not sure what point I am trying to prove but I think it is safe to say that Xen and Race X are not allies. Only thing they have in common is that they don't like humans.
Right. That's pretty much what I thought.
I think that the Alien Slave is not a Xener, I think he is a slave of the Xeners and the Xeners are the Grunt, And Alien Controlers.. Alien Slaves are providing somekind of energy.. No idea why..
Apparently the Xeners can't live without their slaves.. the Alien Slaves.. and the Xeners them selfs are the slaves of the Combine "...Their Slaves, We are Their Slaves..We are.." - Nihilanth

The Nihilanth was the only Alien who spoke to us.. Apparently by telepathics.

Race X Did not arrive after Gordon Freeman Left to Xen!
My guess is that Gordon Freeman wasn't at Lambada Core when they arrived, but he was close.

Race X and Xeners Are Fighting Each other. "Race X" it's not the name of that race.. just no-one got a clue who they are.. but they'er very interesting ^^ Remember the Warm Creator?

Do you remember that the G-man teleport us (Gordon) from Dimension to another dimension?

There were two dimension, one is Xen and the other one... no idea what it is.. but it looked like a quiet place. I think it was Race X Dimension... I have a theory that the g-man is not human.. who ever he is... No human can be like that...
(Be like what? Don't ask...) maybe the G-man and Race X has something in common and the combine doesn't know about Race X. Race X are much stronger (Apparently). Maybe Race X is a competitor of the Combines. Race X always supprised us.. BTW Black Mesa has Xeners and Aliens from Race X in their labs, collected inside cages. just they weren't the very intelligent species (The Collected once)
Thanks for the giant font.

Race-X strikes me as the Xen version of the anti-combine resistance, who mistakenly thought humans were allied with Xen because they stole their children.
Classified your post is absolutely crap (didnt read it, to big letters)
hmmm some interesting ideas you guys have... i hope we find out more about race x in an expansion... opfor 2 anyone? shepard was a kick ass character and it would be a shame if he was just left in another dimension or whatever like gordon except forever... anyone have any differnt theories?
Opposing Force: Source and Opposing Force 2.
Both one the Source engine of course.
I have no idea what race x is because i never played opfor much, someone take a screenshot, or at least a print scrn
Jesus Lincoln said:
I have no idea what race x is because i never played opfor much, someone take a screenshot, or at least a print scrn

heres some screens of race x
My thoughts on Race-X:

Despite not having fought them in the original Half-Life as Gordon Freeman, I would still have to say that Race-X is still from the borderworld. Black Mesa was using Xen as the relay point for its teleportation experiments, and seeing as how BMRF never invaded any other dimensions then we have to assume it's Xen. And since no one knows exactly how big Xen is, it's safe to assume that if it is even a fraction of the size of Earth then it's populated by more than just five-to-ten species of creature. Race-X probably lives on another series of asteroids entirely, probably on the "dark side" of the nebula world where no one had access to until later on in the experiments. So why did Race-X teleport to Earth? Perhaps, like the Combine, Race-X was attracted to Earth by the portal storms appearing in the borderworld. In addition to that, the scientists captured one of the shocktrooper's babies, which is probably enough of a reason to incite an alien race to attack you.

Aside from the shocktroopers, Race-X aliens have vague similarities to Xen creatures. They can also be seen using symbiotic, synth-like technology (the shockroaches). So the question is whether or not Race-X is allied with the Combine, and if they are why do they fight Xenians? Back when I was just trying to figure this out from the HL1 storyline I assumed that Race-X probably harbors a great dislike for the "true" Xenian race, the controllers, who enslave everything and use them for their own ends, and that is why they fight. However, seeing as how the controllers are a lesser evil in the face of the Combine, who really are in control of Xen, I'm not quite sure what to think. Race-X has synth technology, as I said, but that doesn't necessarily mean they obtained it from the Combine. Maybe they stole it. Perhaps Race-X is the borderworld equivalent of Earth's resistance?

So it's almost certain Race-X is from Xen, but their allegiance is unknown. One wonders whether, had the BMRF scientists not stolen that baby and built habitats to study Xen and Race-X creatures, if Race-X might have allied with humans.

BTW, side note: I have never subscribed to the idea that the garg is a member of Xen's army. It's just a big, dumb beast that smashes things and charbroils its food.
Race x are just an enemy to everyone. The combine dont dontrol them nor do humans, So race x probably just are the alien fillers to VAVLe :). when they need diffrent aliens so the game is less boring...they can be classified as race x? simple =D.
Dasparov said:
Race x are just an enemy to everyone. The combine dont dontrol them nor do humans, So race x probably just are the alien fillers to VAVLe :). when they need diffrent aliens so the game is less boring...they can be classified as race x? simple =D.

awwww... c'mon... half-life is just a little more complex than that... just a wee lil bit... =p
Half life is a complex as a piece of pizza, it can be either;
Dough base, with tomato paste and some fillings....
A vast amount of yeast at a rapid growth rate, which outstands the normal yeast dna.....
Just however you look at it :O
Dasparov said:
Half life is a complex as a piece of pizza, it can be either;
Dough base, with tomato paste and some fillings....
A vast amount of yeast at a rapid growth rate, which outstands the normal yeast dna.....
Just however you look at it :O

i dont think ill ever look at pizza the same way again... lol
lol :P,
you dont even wanna hear about pillows!!...trust me you'd never want to sleep again
Milkman said:
Race X was never given a good explanation on its background. They appear to be sentient life and much stronger than xen aliens. OPFOR says that "Race X appeared after Gordon left for the boarder world." They don't seem to like humans that much but I never saw Xen and Race X at the same time battling each other.

In OF when you fight the assasains in the big "lots-o-crates" room, when you jump to the high area above the next crate room you see vortigunts (sp?) fighting those big fat-ass things
Jesus Lincoln said:
And how do we know race x isnt just race xen?

if u played Opposing Force, u would know because they talk about this Race X but don't explain very much.. just that they are there.
Dr. Freeman said:
if u played Opposing Force, u would know because they talk about this Race X but don't explain very much.. just that they are there.

You know, right before HL2 released, I played through Opfor (woulda played BlueShift too had VALVe put it on steam), but I do NOT remember anything being said about Race-x (name, reason they are different, etc). Could someone please enlighten me with some of the dialogue I obviously missed out on?
MajorPayne said:
You know, right before HL2 released, I played through Opfor (woulda played BlueShift too had VALVe put it on steam), but I do NOT remember anything being said about Race-x (name, reason they are different, etc). Could someone please enlighten me with some of the dialogue I obviously missed out on?

hmm...its been a while since i played OP4 SP but i think its near the beginning (it might even be somewhere in the middle of the game as well...sorry i don't remember where exactly) when u encounter the very first scientist.. the scientist starts off by asking Adrian if hes here to kill him (the scientist) and then goes on mumbling about a "Race X" trying to gain control of the border world.