Radeon 9500 Pro problems PLZ READ!!!



hey guys,

i just bought a radeon 9500 pro from my local best buy. i installed it and everything went fine...until i rebooted. now, everytime i open up an application ( iexplorer, realone player, aim etc.), the program freezes or in iexplorer's case, fails to load the page and i get an error that says "Windows - Delayed Write Failed"

"Windows was unable to save all the data for the file <filename>. The data has been lost. This error may be caused by a failure of your computer hardware or network connection. Please try to save the file elsewhere."

i rechecked all the connections (between my card, the power supply, and my hard drive) and rebooted. i updated to the newest catalyst drivers and everything but i still kept getting the error. i reinstalled my geforce 2 gts and everything works fine again. btw my system specs are:

dell 1.3 ghz p4
512 Samsung RAMBUS
Maxtor 40gb
geforce 2 gts
viewsonic a90f+
sb live ! value

i really need help because i really want this card to work =(, also, after installing the 9500, my computer would lockup randomly and felt much slower than before. any help would be appreciated thanks.
make sure old drivers are uninstalled.
Reboot after install.
Make sure you have all the MS updates.
Otherwise, have a someone take a look at it that has done a lot of installations. :)
As asus suggested, there probably nvidia dets still on the comp. D/l detonator destroyer from www.guru3d.com This will get rid of all traces of the Nvidia det drivers.
Are you sure that your motherboard supports the AGP 8x/4x that the 9500 Pro requires?
I would be willing to guarantee that it does.

Try enabling/disabling fast writes in the BIOS (not sure how to get into it on Dell computers), and try what others have said...Completely remove all display drivers and reinstall ATI drivers (Cat3.8's are due out tomorrow), and if none of that works, a good old reformat wouldn't hurt if you have the time and OS software.
Fast Write can be disabled by ATi control panel>SMARTGART> Disable Fast Write
thank you guys for your suggestions, i will definitely try them tonight, but um is disabling "fast writes" going to solve my "delayed write failed" error messages? and also, what will i lose if i disable this option, thanks again.
You will lose a tiny bit of performance, and the only reason I suggested it is because of the word "write," and that I have heard about problems with them enabled. Another problem could be your power supply (no the error messages, but could be the problem with the lockups), but I wouldn't look into that until you try cleaning out drivers, disabling fast writes, and, if need be, reformatting.

And, Igneri, I know it's in there, but I figured it wouldn't override BIOS settings...After all, I'm pretty sure that's a motherboard setting rather than a video card setting. I guess just do both to be safe :).
ive uninstalled all nvidia drivers and used detonator RIP to remove any remaining files, reinstalled the 9500, reinstalled the catalyst drivers, rebooted, unchecked fast write, and disabled write caching on my hard drive, but im still getting the "delayed write failed" errors and random things will crash (i.e explorer, aim, steam etc.), sometimes when i just load a webpage it will say it cant be displayed, ill refresh it and itll show up again...im thinking it might have something to do with my sh*tty dell power supply? any response would be appreciated.
i dont know exactly, dells are weird, they label them something around 250w but theyre really like 350 at least thats what ive read on the dell forums, should i just return the card? and also, would getting a 9600 Pro result in the same errors? i am new to this shit, please help lol...
This sound slike it might be a RAM problem, did you have any issues before you installed the card? and did you install it yourself?
no i have had absolutely no issues with my computer before this install. i upgraded from the standard 128mb to 512mb of Samsung rambus from www.googlegear.com and had no problems at all. all the weird lockups and errors dissapear once i put my geforce 2 back in so im thinking i should just return the card and wait till next year where i can get a new system. any suggestions? and yes i installed it myself
250 watts is low and that could well be your problem. Also, try disabling fast writes if you haven't done so already. I seriously doubt that it's the card...Just me, though.
i did disable them...and the power supply is really 350w but it's marked at 250 for some reason (dont ask its a dell)