radeon 9600 install

Sep 18, 2003
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I just got my radeon 9600 and whenever it starts to install the display adapter it gives me and error saying that I need to download VGA drivers. I tried to follow what it said in the instruction manual, and went to www.viaarena.com(cause its my vga adpater thing) and Im not sure which agp drivers to download, I tried the top 2 and they both wouldnt install either. Can anyone help me? Oh and I uninstalled all my old nvidia drivers too.
My friend had this problem with his new 9800Pro after he had a GF4 4200. His solution was to reformat. lol Hey, whatever works.
It is a driver conflict most likely.
I would start by uninstalling the drivers (add/remove programs)/hardware (device manager), reboot and reinstall them (recongnize hardware, install default display driver then ATI drivers).
I skipped the ATI install cd and just installed the 3.10's. Thanks Sidewinder for the move and advice.
Yeah, it happens when you have a newer card and the drivers CD doesn't recognize the card because its newer. Did you get a 9600 SE? thats what happened with mine.
The 3.7 driver is the best right now... i hear about some people having problems with the newer ones.
Yeah it really is whatever works for you.
No problems means they work.
3.8 were the only ones that gave me problems.
Everything else has been gold so far.
Ya, it was a 9600 SE. and the 3.10's are running fine for me.

Need for Speed Underground looks AWESOME, compared to my old geforce 4 mx 440.
yeah i have a 9600 pro and i'm running 3.7s, no probs what-so-ever