Radeon V Lifespan - help !?


Alyx Vance

Ok, so it looks like Radeon is the outright winner and the card for HL2.....


if I purchase a top of the range Radeon now, does anyone have any idea if it will play games like Deus Ex 2 and Doom 3 with no problems, and be as slick as I'd like ? ( ie:- very )

I know its difficult to say for games that aren't released yet, but I want to make sure any upgrade I make will be future proofed for a while, and be able to play the upcoming games with all the whistles and bells !

See it this way:
If you want to buy it now, and you have a choice, the Radeon is FAAAAAR more likely to handle future games better :)
The 9800 version, although expensive, is the both the best bang for the buck, the most future proof (unless everyone decides to go OpenGL, unlikely though as nearly all seems to use DirectX) and the fastest.