Ragdoll Kungfoo!!!!


Mar 7, 2005
Reaction score
W00tz0rz I just ordered it!!!11! I hope it was a good investment! But really it looks fun! Are you getting it? Do you think it will be fun? Are you gay?
You are an asshole, Lemonking.


I was thinking of buying RDKF, but it looks a bit odd..
Did I miss something? Lemonking did not post here...

But anyways, I wanna try out the demo (if there will be one) first, and if its cool then I might buy it.
Dumb Dude said:
Did I miss something? Lemonking did not post here...

But anyways, I wanna try out the demo (if there will be one) first, and if its cool then I might buy it.
Lemonking = Spicy Tuna. :D
I really just dont understand this game so I will wait for more detailed accounts when it is released.
For a long time I Babyheadcrab I thought your avatar was a tampon with a face on it saying "rawr"...
specialmax said:
For a long time I Babyheadcrab I thought your avatar was a tampon with a face on it saying "rawr"...

For a long time, I thought your avatar was an ear of corn with the text "god of corn."


Oh, lawl.
Hey does any1 know any good sites for ragdoll kungfoo. I want some skins NOW!
Dumb Dude said:
Ah, that explains it. Why the name change?

Must have something to do with his mom and that whole clown suit thing...
Originally Posted by specialmax
For a long time I Babyheadcrab I thought your avatar was a tampon with a face on it saying "rawr"...

For a long time, I thought your avatar was an ear of corn with the text "god of corn."


Oh, lawl.

That is such a hilarious PWNING. :laugh:
there was a simple review on some tech site, it looks horrible.
destrukt said:
there was a simple review on some tech site, it looks horrible.

I just simply don't like how it's wacky like that... It reminds me of this one Kung Fu game for the Xbox. It's not funny at all, if they are trying to be. It's just stupid. The gameplay itself is neat though, it would be fun to try.
From Steampowered.com News:

Rag Doll Kung Fu Available Now
October 12, 2005, 1:13 pm · Chris Bokitch
Rag Doll Kung Fu, a wildly entertaining new game from game designer Mark Healey, is available now via Steam for just $14.95. Featuring a wide collection of single and multiplayer games plus outlandish cut scenes inspired by classic Kung Fu cinema, Rag Doll Kung Fu provides one of the most creative and unique game experiences delivered in years. Get it now.

edit: But it's not out yet.
Played it!!! :D! I really like the cinimatics and stuff. Very humorous to.
I liek the high flying mushrooms. I'm on teh last level. I was dissapointed with the level creator.
specialmax said:
Played it!!! :D! I really like the cinimatics and stuff. Very humorous to.
I liek the high flying mushrooms. I'm on teh last level. I was dissapointed with the level creator.
But how's the gameplay?
I'm kind of tempted to buy it, just because I'm reeaally bored
The gameplay is fun. It get's hard when blocking. And the AI is really good!

I need someone who is not a complete fanboy of the game. :P

Anyway, anyone else play this game yet? Tell me how you like it, and whether it would be a good $15 spent or buy some thermal paste...and not the kind you use for your computer if you know what I'm saying. :naughty:
I'm really enjoying it. Controls are a bitch at first and I sometimes still have issues getting my guy to go exactly where I want him to, but it's still fun as hell. Once you start getting the hang of it, it feels surprisingly fluid. I enjoy the humor in it too, although the cutscenes are often a tad too long. And I've still yet to find a server to play on. :( They're all either full or passworded.

I think I made the right decision in pre-ordering it. Don't aim too high and you'll have stupid good fun.

My char, btw:

ADDED: Oh yeah, the music's cool as well.
So it is worth the $15? I think I might wait until more people give me their opinions and reviews.
Well, 15 bucks doesn't mean that much to me, so I think it's worth the price. But it might not cater to your tastes, so I dunno.
Looks kind of crappy from the screenshots but I have a gut feeling that it is decent. i hope they make a demo or something
I was hoping this game would be able to have two or more players on the same computer. That would kick ass. :thumbs:
Can it be done with two mouses or something?
Teta_Bonita said:
I was hoping this game would be able to have two or more players on the same computer. That would kick ass. :thumbs:
Can it be done with two mouses or something?
Not possible. Does your mom still think you are gay? Because I still think so.
I heard that two-player gaming on the same computer was possible.
Shamrock said:
Not possible. Does your mom still think you are gay? Because I still think so.

Hmm, i've just seen negative pouring out of you lately Shamrock.

And you're wrong. They even state on the website that you can play 2 player with two mice.
Teta_Bonita said:
I was hoping this game would be able to have two or more players on the same computer. That would kick ass. :thumbs:
Can it be done with two mouses or something?
Unless it has changed, you can play 8 mice/players on one computer.

I like it, but I'm still not used to the controls(only 15 min though), and the fact that the laptop I'm on doesn't run it too great doesn't help.
Shamrock said:
Not possible. Does your mom still think you are gay? Because I still think so.
[SARCASM]wooooo wow he called me gay OMG NICE ONE TOUCHE!1 :thumbs:[/SARCASM]
Absinthe said:
I heard that two-player gaming on the same computer was possible.
Thank you for actually being helpful. :)
Its great, i was playin it all last night. Servers are all full lol & laggy as hell. I prefer single player.
Ragdoll kung fu is so stupid looking, i watched a video of what you could do, its a bunch of morons screaming crap that makes no sense. It's dumb, save your money and preorder a real game.
sinkoman said:
Hmm, i've just seen negative pouring out of you lately Shamrock.

And you're wrong. They even state on the website that you can play 2 player with two mice.
I've been in a terrible mood.. :|

I just figured that you couldn't.. That is cool that you can though..

Teta_Bonita said:
[SARCASM]wooooo wow he called me gay OMG NICE ONE TOUCHE!1 :thumbs:[/SARCASM]

Thank you for actually being helpful. :)
I was just wondering.. Remember your thread that said that you and your friend were messing around and your mom saw you and thought you were gay... Well, I was just asking..

Meh.. :hmph:
:laugh: I just beat the high score of distance throwing by 0.001 meters! I tried to take a picture of the screen that showed "110.001 m" but Alt+S wouldn't work. So, this shot of the high score table will have to suffice... even though it doesn't go to the third decimal place:


Before I deleted the RDKF folder to try to fix the no-text-on-the-menu problem, I had just barely missed the top score because I got 109.98 meters. That really pissed me off because, for a long time before and after that, I couldn't even get over 108... then while trying to fix the missing text problem I forgot to backup the score and deleted the only copy. Now, I can finally rest... :laugh:
for the money ( 7 ponuds 30 pence ) its the best game that i have bought, the possibilities are endless, u have to understand that the video clips (when you play the tutorial youll piss yourself laughing, unless your cant understand ultimate cheese) are spoofs on a kung fu format , directed by the maker of the game.
dont take it seriously, thats the whole point.


it really is my best beatem up to date, and i love wrestling/fighting games, i dont just own a pc :p

the reason its great is there are no preset moves, its all down to you.