Rain Rain Go Away...


Mar 30, 2006
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Guess what, yes rain, rain rain rain... news says itll be raining here till this friday *sigh* so lonely and its raining raning raining raining raining... hope the wheather report is wrong. Anything going on in youre country? Blizzards? Sandstorms? Tsunami? Chicken world doniomination? Discuss and share.
Its going to be raining for a long time around here... :(
This winter is going to be long, it's going to be cold, and it's gonna last the rest of your life.
I wish it would rain here. All we get are these damn fireballs...
Avian Flu, "Drought Warning", Class-2 Zoological Epidemical Infection Caution, ect.
Wow, we need rain in the midwest here. The Platte River up north is so low, you can see at least 70% of the bed. That's not good, because that means the water isn't flowing enough, and it's just sitting there getting bacteria and everything....Not good.

It's just sad seeing things like that ;(
I don't like to think about the weather. I just stay inside and keep warm.
Well we are in the middle of a drought so the unusual rain for this time of year is very welcome :D.
I wish it'd snow here.

Brown grass isn't very festive.
Rain rain go away




..now im down in it
It's stormin' balls as I write this (mid Cali mountains). Up late replaying Doom 3 in front of a cozy fire. I moved my Zalman Reserator outside and my core temps are high 20s-low 30s, so I'm loving the weather.

...hope it's cold enough to make snow at the local ski resort. Sometimes they'll get rain and it'll either be slushy or icy.
Southern Malaysia is flooding. Earthquakes in Thailand, just North. Australia is still in drought. Central Malaysia is experiencing the traditional Christmas haze.
Boo hoo. In Burnley it rains every other day on average. Even in summer.
But in your sad world, it rains every day. You're only happy when it rains.
Oh, and on a side note, Landslides and mass flooding in Indonesia. 7.1 Earthquake (Reicter Scale) in Thailand that took out almost all of Malaysia's internet capacity for the whole day. Johor (Southern Malaysia) is STILL flooding.

/EDIT Taiwan, not Thailand. Sorry.
Oh, and on a side note, Landslides and mass flooding in Indonesia. 7.1 Earthquake (Reicter Scale) in Thailand that took out almost all of Malaysia's internet capacity for the whole day. Johor (Southern Malaysia) is STILL flooding.

/EDIT Taiwan, not Thailand. Sorry.

And thats been affecting our internet services -_- takes 40 sec to load a page.
I live in what is on and off the rainiest city in the US. It rains here for like a week every month. D:

I like it though.