Rainbow 6: Vegas


Party Escort Bot
Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
Amazing game, or amazingest game?


This is a really fun game. This time it's less tactical, more pretty and all fun. It's so fun just to whip around corners just to deliver the one shot kill. I'm really, really enjoying the campaign, too. It'll reward you for being smart, and punish you for being dumb. If you run into a room, expect to die. If you send your team to one door, and you, yourself, throw a flash through another, the AI will get confused. Then you can just whip around and pick 'em off as your team takes all the gunfire.
anybody knows how Vegas on the PC compares to the Xbox version, and how it also compares to Ravenshield(pc) multiplayer?
I've played Vegas on the Xbox and PC: they're identical.
Very fun game. Cant wait for part 2, if you beat vegus you know what i mean.

mp is very fun aswell, only thing i dont like is how the sniper isnt powerfull enough hense making it useless..

COOP could have been designed much better. I think thats where they droped the ball.

Hope they improve on that in the 2nd one.
Looks really fun, is there a demo out for it?
It's a good game I'll give you that, but nothing beats Rogue Spear + Urban Ops :)
Do you need a SM 3.0 card to play this, just like the new Splinter Cell?

I don't think Ubisoft released a demo of Vegas for the pc. One should note that the PC's version of the game got lower grades.

I don't think Ubisoft released a demo of Vegas for the pc. One should note that the PC's version of the game got lower grades.

Probably because there are somewhat lower expectations of console games.
Or probably because the PC version is fairly poorly optimized.
Or probably because the PC version is fairly poorly optimized.


Ubi is really really bad at making PC games lately (Splinter Cell Double Agent and Rainbow Six Vegas both got terrible reviews in PCG because they are unoptimized buggy pieces of crap compared to the console versions)
Yah, Im freakin addicted to this game! By far my most played game atm both 360 and pc.
It runs fine on my system, considering the graphical beauty.
the motion blur acctually kind of gets annoying after awhile.
This is the first game I'm going to be getting with my xbox 360. Well, when my brother buys the xbox 360 anyways.

This a good choice? I played the singleplayer a tiny bit and coop on my cousins xbox, and loved it. I just wonder how it holds up for multiplayer and coop online, as I plan on us getting xbox live too.
although i thought the campaign was pretty fun, the multiplayer just didnt do it for me
i preferred raven shield TBH
overall, pretty cool game but nothing special
I'm totally addicted to this game online, just hit the rank of sargeant a bit ago, so awesome being able to customize your dudes equip and stuff
I'm totally addicted to this game online, just hit the rank of sargeant a bit ago, so awesome being able to customize your dudes equip and stuff

So when we get our 360 and the game, you wanna play some coop online? It'd be nice to play with people I know.
My only complaint with Vegas is the indoor texture quality. Outdoors you get nice view distances and the game looks pretty good but once inside it feels a whole lot older technically. That bothers me a little.

But, yeah, online Vegas is wonderful. There are some really fun fire fights with the cover system.