"Raising the Bar" shipping?

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May 9, 2004
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Someone over at HL2World is reporting that his "Raising the Bar" book order from Amazon is shipping. He even posted the tracking information from UPS.

If you have it on order, check to see if yours is too :)
This is the Seventh Sign. :borg: The planets have aligned. Gold is coming.

Pretty sure I'm getting Raising the Bar for Xmas :D
My mother always insists on buying me books anyways, so I told her about this one. Better then getting something I'll never read,.
ScRaTcH-A-HoLiC said:
think its a mistake?


Nah, no mistake. Hm, if the November release date is EXTREMELY LIKELY like that article pointed out, could it be a 11/1 or 11/22-24 release date?
Well, the book was going to be available two weeks before release of HL² wasn't it?
He said that he's having it overnighted so it will arrive on today or Monday. UPS does not do Saturday delivery (unlike Fed Ex).
For real? Where was this said?

It would make sense to release a book with a magnitude of information relying around a game so popular, two weeks before rather than over a month.
He said that he's having it overnighted so it will arrive on today or Monday. UPS does not do Saturday delivery (unlike Fed Ex).

UPS delivers on Saturdies for overnight deliveries, last I checked.

Edit: According to UPS' site, you have to specify the Saturday delivery option. Which I doubt he did, so I'm sure he'll be seeing it Monday.
A poster over at HL2World (which might be the sleaziest HL2 site around - they openly discuss the "unmentionable" thing with glee).
A poster over at HL2World (which might be the sleaziest HL2 site around - they openly discuss the "unmentionable" thing with glee).

I wouldn't say that makes them sleazy. I'd just say they don't care about the remote possibility they could be shut down.

They may be sleazy for other reasons, I don't know, never been there.
I wouldn't beleive it until he posts a screen shot of the amazon package status page showing it has actually shipped.

SkilledNewbie said:
I wouldn't beleive it until he posts a screen shot of the amazon package status page showing it has actually shipped.

Uh. That can be faked. The actual Amazon website that says it ships in 2-3 days cannot. :rolleyes:
I ordered it from amazon.ca last week on the 7th with another product. I got the other product today and the HL2 book is still on order. I said delivery 2-3 days last week also. I doubt it's real!
Availability is now Not Yet Published on amazon.ca.

so.... IT'S FAKE!
All that means is Amazon Canada hasn't recieved it yet.

It is marked as available on Amazon.com. How can that be "fake", unless Amazon.com made a grevious error.

I believe it.
f|uke said:
Uh. That can be faked. The actual Amazon website that says it ships in 2-3 days cannot. :rolleyes:

I'm just saying, he probably wouldn't take the time to fake the order status and it would be more proof than we have now.

Oh, and it said 2-3 days back when I ordered it... on September 24 :rolleyes:

SkilledNewbie said:
I'm just saying, he probably wouldn't take the time to fake the order status and it would be more proof than we have now.

Oh, and it said 2-3 days back when I ordered it... on September 24 :rolleyes:
Some people would take the time to fake that, so it'd prove nothing. But maybe Amazon.Com has screwed up here. It does list the published date as Oct 7th. But who knows. If its real, and you ordered it off of Amazon.Com, you should get your confirmation shortly,. so I guess if you dont, its not real.
It now says November 9th 2004 on Amazon.ca, go check it out. It is not out!!!
This would be very hard seeing how the book isn't even finished yet.
hmm it does say nov 9 ... and i thouht it was hardback ... and its 384 pages cooool .. what exactly do we know is in this book ?
Well, I got a confirmation right after I ordered and a delay notification on October 3rd. Here's the important paragraph from the Oct. 3 e-mail:

"[DAVID HODGSON "Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar - A Behind the Scenes Look : Prima's Official Insider's Guide] is actually not yet released, but we will keep this item on order
for you until it is released. When it becomes available, the
status of the item on the "Your Account" page on our web site
(http://www.amazon.com/) will change from "Not Yet Released" to
its new availability. Per our standard policy, your credit card
will not be charged for this item until it is shipped."

Now when I check my account page and click on track packages, the book is listed under the "items not yet shipped" category and the dilevery estimate is between 10/5 and 10/9.



A little late. :p
I just called customer service and they told me the book was released!!!!

And she said it ships within 3 days..
ookkkkk, holy crap, you'll get your books, seriously, let it go.
exoeight said:
ookkkkk, holy crap, you'll get your books, seriously, let it go.

dude, why would you come in this thread just to flame?

If you dont want to hear what we have to say STAY OUT OF THIS THREAD!!! stop flaming, im trying to decide if its out or not so I can purchase it....
affen said:
Well, the book was going to be available two weeks before release of HL² wasn't it?

Hmm....maybe we will have a Friday OCt 29th release? If not, then it will be Nov. 1st that the game is out, which is on the monday, either is fine with me.
What we need is for Cliffe to come into this thread and set things straight!

Send out the "Valve" signal!
exoeight said:
ookkkkk, holy crap, you'll get your books, seriously, let it go.
:dozey: Nobody cares about that man. The release of this book coincides with the release of HL2; Its supposed to come out a few weeks before HL2. So its release is another implication that HL2 is on its way.
f|uke said:
:dozey: Nobody cares about that man. The release of this book coincides with the release of HL2; Its supposed to come out a few weeks before HL2. So its release is another implication that HL2 is on its way.

I agree. Hopefully HL2 is only a few weeks off. :D
Just ordered mine. CLAIMS it will be here between Oct. 21 and thr 25th.
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