RAM Question


Aug 19, 2003
Reaction score
Recently I have been playing Oblivion. Whenever I turn the Details on high, it of course lags, now when the Grass option is turned off, or the grass draw distance is set to low, my Frame rates are much higher. Now, this is an obvious problem right? my system specs are;

Pentium 4, 3.06 Gig
Intel D865PERL Mobo
1Gb RAM (2x256, 1x512 PC3200 DDR)
WD 80 Gig 7200RPM
GeForce 6800 Ultra 256mb
Sound Blaster Audigy!

Now my main question is this, should oblivion be lagging so bad with my 6800 ultra? I dont notice too much HDD read time, so I am pretty sure its just the video card. Also, I know an extra gig cant hurt, and also another question will a 1Gb stick be much faster than two 256 and one 512 sticks?

What do you guys think would be the best idea if I want better performance? New Video card? More ram? Or just build a whole new PC?

thanks guys for any input

anyhow :thumbs:
I have a 6800GT and 1.5gigs of RAM and I still lag when grass is turned up. You should look for the mod that turns down the density of grass. So you still get the distance on the ncie grass, but it's not as dence, and thusly dosent bog you down as much.

I wouldent blow hundreds of dollars just to get a better FPS in Obliv with grass. Besides adding even another gig of RAM isnt going to boost you much. Games only use so much RAM today; 2 gigs wont be too usefull untill DX10 games come around IMO.
Thanks for the input, I may wait around for Vista to come out before I start saving for a new RIG. Thanks White.