Ramblings on the past, present and future of video gaming


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
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There are only two weeks left of the 21st century's first decade. That made me look back at gaming in the last 10 years. The decade started off with the first console war. Microsoft entered the market with the Xbox and challenged the hegemony of Sony and Nintendo. On the PC front GPU's came of age and were able to create believable 3D environments. As a result from this, first person games seem to have become the norm on all platforms and almost all of those games had an online component, another trend of the Naughties.

The 'next generation' of consoles (and to a lesser extent DX10 graphics) was the main theme of this decade's second half. They provided an even more photorealistic experience, although the uncanny valley still hasn't been crossed. But with the higher level of detail came exponentially rising production costs. The reaction to this was the renaissance of indie games, in part made possible by widely available broadband which made bricks 'n' mortar retailers redundant.

The next decade promises to be very interesting. Gaming has become mainstream, consoles will probably become the norm, with the PC being relegated to the role of secondary platform (if it isn't the case already). It won't become redundant though, I think. Since computers are so omnipresent now, there will always be people making games for them. In movie terms it will probably be the arthouse bracket. Consoles on the other hand will be providing blockbuster entertainment. This will be where the money is made.

I doubt that we will see a big advancement of holographic or real 3D games. As much as I'd like my personal holodeck, I don't expect any groundbreaking revolutions like that. I think we will see a steady evolution from where we are now. Online gaming will become even more prevalent, with the different industry molochs all setting up their own networks. Activision seems to be leading the way here with IW.net and Battle.net, although the friendlier face of this development is Steam.

One thing I know for sure: I will keep gaming. There are some lulls but generally this is a field of entertainment that keeps on evolving quite rapidly and it is still immensely enjoyable.

tl;dr Gaming ftw
The only game i've bought in the past 2 years is SPORE. I'm afraid i've fallen out of it all :(

Which is interesting considering that I didn't really get "serious" about gaming until this decade began, and just as it ends I pack my bags and wave goodbye.
i stopped regular gaming after 2005. i realized then that games in average went FUBAR.

i only occasionally play one ore two. like Crysis and Tomb raider anni. that's pretty much it.
I don't think I'll ever leave, though I only play a select few games.
i stopped regular gaming after 2005. i realized then that games in average went FUBAR.

i only occasionally play one ore two. like Crysis and Tomb raider anni. that's pretty much it.

Yeah, I think everything's just gotten way too mainstream now.

I miss the good old days when we were all just stupid geeks that were afraid of the sun. Playing BF2 at like 4 in the morning because the timezones were out of synch, and having to use third party apps like ventrillo to communicate. Of course, if you didn't know how to operate a computer, you were a total ****** who had to stick with the vastly inferior console games of the time. Everything was viral, and had its own unique subculture about it.

Now everybody is just CALL OV DUTY CALL OV DUTY CLALL OF DUTY!!! The same people who labeled us as total nerds are probably the people you're chatting it up with on Xbox Live.
I don't think I see your point. I do find the surge of mainstream gamers (that are stupid and have shitty taste) irritating, but that's why I don't play with them.
I don't think I see your point. I do find the surge of mainstream gamers (that are stupid and have shitty taste) irritating, but that's why I don't play with them.

Nostalgia attack. Well, as nostalgic as an 18 year old can get anyways :P

I guess if you think about it, gaming is no different now, considering that there are still clans and shit, and that HL2.net still plays online together(I assume). Just more noobs.
I guess if you think about it, gaming is no different now, considering that there are still clans and shit, and that HL2.net still plays online together(I assume).

It's a disorganized mess, but occasionally .net games happen by accident.

And yeah, no game ever lives up to my N64 nostalgia.
Yeah, I think everything's just gotten way too mainstream now.

I miss the good old days when we were all just stupid geeks that were afraid of the sun. Playing BF2 at like 4 in the morning because the timezones were out of synch, and having to use third party apps like ventrillo to communicate. Of course, if you didn't know how to operate a computer, you were a total ****** who had to stick with the vastly inferior console games of the time. Everything was viral, and had its own unique subculture about it.

Now everybody is just CALL OV DUTY CALL OV DUTY CLALL OF DUTY!!! The same people who labeled us as total nerds are probably the people you're chatting it up with on Xbox Live.
I think that's a poor argument, considering this small renaissance we're seeing in the indie game world. If you're tired of the big publishers going mainstream, look at all these small developing teams that aren't afraid to innovate and make games that are actually fun and challenging. For example, World of Goo, Blueberry Garden, Audiosurf and Machinima.

And I think that abandoning things in general because a larger population is embracing it is just about the lamest thing you could ever do. I used to have a friend in high school who constantly ditched all of his favorite bands because more people kept liking them. I get it, man! You're so ANTI!
I don't think I see your point. I do find the surge of mainstream gamers (that are stupid and have shitty taste) irritating, but that's why I don't play with them.

The market forms around the mainstream; so, there will be more mainstream games as there are mainstream players.

While, yes, you will get a gem here and there, most of the market will be filled with crap as crap is what the majority of people want.
It's a disorganized mess, but occasionally .net games happen by accident.

And yeah, no game ever lives up to my N64 nostalgia.

And nothing will ever top running home every day after highschool as a freshman and impatiently drumming my fingers on my desk while waiting for xfire to start up to see if the crew is playing.
I think that's a poor argument, considering this small renaissance we're seeing in the indie game world. If you're tired of the big publishers going mainstream, look at all these small developing teams that aren't afraid to innovate and make games that are actually fun and challenging. For example, World of Goo, Blueberry Garden, Audiosurf and Machinima.

And I think that abandoning things in general because a larger population is embracing it is just about the lamest thing you could ever do. I used to have a friend in high school who constantly ditched all of his favorite bands because more people kept liking them. I get it, man! You're so ANTI!

Yeah, I hate people who do that. Makes no sense....

That's right Sinko..I HATE YOUR HAWAIIAN ASS. Love your C*ck though.
I think that's a poor argument, considering this small renaissance we're seeing in the indie game world. If you're tired of the big publishers going mainstream, look at all these small developing teams that aren't afraid to innovate and make games that are actually fun and challenging. For example, World of Goo, Blueberry Garden, Audiosurf and Machinima.

And I think that abandoning things in general because a larger population is embracing it is just about the lamest thing you could ever do. I used to have a friend in high school who constantly ditched all of his favorite bands because more people kept liking them. I get it, man! You're so ANTI!

I guess if you think about it, gaming is no different now, considering that there are still clans and shit, and that HL2.net still plays online together(I assume). Just more noobs.


I stopped playing videogames because BMX started becoming more important in my life. Not because i'm some wanna be rebellious kid OH MAN I'M SO ANTI!!!

ANND, I was kinda just trying to point out how in this extreme market flood, community and playability has kinda taken a backseat to graphics and epic-factor. Of course, this is from the eyes of an observer, as my knowledge of online communities is pretty much non existent these days.

Pitz, you're never getting cock and balls again for that statement.

I stopped playing videogames because BMX started becoming more important in my life. Not because i'm some wanna be rebellious kid OH MAN I'M SO ANTI!!!
Alright, thanks for explaining that after making fun of me.
Alright, thanks for explaining that after making fun of me.

Sry, I thought you'd take it as mindless wanna-be-4chan-troll-esque humour :(


(but I still think that community has taken a backseat in favor of anonymous deathmatch with 12 year olds instead of bots)
(but I still think that community has taken a backseat in favor of anonymous deathmatch with 12 year olds instead of bots)

To be honest, that is one of the drawbacks of consoles imo. And it is the reason that I stubbornly keep gaming on a PC. The console crowd tends to be younger than 20 while PC gamers are usually a bit older. Which doesn't mean they can't still be total pricks ofc. They are just a tad less abundant.
The market forms around the mainstream; so, there will be more mainstream games as there are mainstream players.

While, yes, you will get a gem here and there, most of the market will be filled with crap as crap is what the majority of people want.

Well yes, that's how most things work. Most movies are mediocre, most books are mediocre, most bands are mediocre. It was an inevitable change.
I can certainly agree with that logic and crap has formed as a result of it in gaming. However I personally feel that gaming has coped with it better than some other mediums (specifically film) I played a number of good games this year (and this year has been comparitively slow to other years) but I could count on one hand how many really good movies I have seen this year :|
I tend to think of computer gaming as a medium still in it's infancy in many ways, comparable to the early days of film.

Right now if you think about it people are effectively making different sorts of film stock (game engines) for different sorts of pictures (game types), however eventually we will reach a point where in the necessity to use different stocks will no longer exist because one will come into being that can comfortably handle all genres in terms of complexity and LoD. When that occurs then I think gaming will become really interesting, because it will be much more about how it plays as an experience, rather than how it looks.
Meanwhile, in the past ten years, quality of stories, gameplay and narration has been rotting away immobile or even taken a big step back.

Strip off modern graphics and "modern" games look like retarded brethren of their older siblings from the nineties and first few years of the 21st century.

Hell, most modern games look retarded when compared to 80s games.
*haven't read the thread at all*

I bet things'll be like the music industry. There'll be a lot of terrible, crappy games that the average Bro-Gamer will think is the absolute dope-shit-bomb that is released en mass, some kind of "Mainstream Gaming".

Then d00ds like us will lurk around in "old skool" faded gaming shirts and torn denim jeans, clenching tightly to our "underground" games that are made with passion rather than the intent of sales.

I don't play newer games as much as old games, don't know why. I'm still playing half-life mods lul. I've played a lot of the newer games but they never pull me in the same way those old games do. SO **** YOU ALL!
Meanwhile, in the past ten years, quality of stories, gameplay and narration has been rotting away immobile or even taken a big step back.

Strip off modern graphics and "modern" games look like retarded brethren of their older siblings from the nineties and first few years of the 21st century.

Hell, most modern games look retarded when compared to 80s games.

Just as a suggestion, but perhaps instead of constantly whining about this alleged 'fact' like a ****ing broken record, perhaps instead go write better games yourself.

Victims are a disease.
I predict the rise of a free ad-supported MMO that will dominate PC gaming...


Drink coke. Eat Pringles. Wear Hanes. Level up. Don't panic.