Random Ambient Sounds + Another Sound Question

Jul 23, 2004
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I'm working on a map now and I need to know how to make ambient sounds like gunfire play at random times. Does anyone know how to do this? And also, in reference to those cooler machines in de_train. There is this machine sound emitting from it every time you go close to it. While I can do this, the sound only plays during the first round. Thereafter the sound never plays. Does anyone know how to fix this?
in other threads you'll find guys posting about an "case" that holds 16 things ..
navyseal2004 said:
I'm working on a map now and I need to know how to make ambient sounds like gunfire play at random times. Does anyone know how to do this? And also, in reference to those cooler machines in de_train. There is this machine sound emitting from it every time you go close to it. While I can do this, the sound only plays during the first round. Thereafter the sound never plays. Does anyone know how to fix this?

For the looping sound, just place an ambient_generic with your sound there and have it initially on, looping. Be sure to set the radius right or it'll be... "gay".

The soundeffects with random gunshots and the likes are done with soundscapes (env_soundscapes). You'll find the names for these in either Source Content.gcf (If I'm not mistaken) or the Counter-Strike Source Shared.gcf - if you're mapping for CSS.

Use GCFScape to view the GCF's, if you don't know how.

You'll find different soundscapes in the scripts folder with the prefix of soundscapes_*, each soundscape starts with "Name" and then some values and sounds to play at random or looping. It's the name you want, without quotes I might add.

CSS sounds only work for CSS and HL2 sounds only work for HL2/DM.

As far as I know you can't, without making your own mod, create your own soundscapes. Which I have to say is quite limiting... :/
Dead-Inside said:
For the looping sound, just place an ambient_generic with your sound there and have it initially on, looping. Be sure to set the radius right or it'll be... "gay".

The problem is that this only seems to happen with this sound. For example, when I use a sound like rain, it plays every round. Is there another way around this? Via triggers or something?
You could use a logic_auto. Set it to "OnRoundStart" target entity "YourSoundsName" set to "PlayMusic".

Or something along those lines.
And that would be in the output section right? And there isn't a "on round start". The closest to it is "on map spawn". I guess I'll try that.
then just make a trigger brush over one or both spawns and tie to func trigger once or multiple, and set the outputs to onstarttouch, target your entity (sound), play sound and that should do it.
there is another way to reset entitys but its hard to explain unless im talking to you live
(very sorry to ask a question in your thread but i dont want to create a new thread for just one link)

im trying to add a wind soundscape to my map at the moment, but have been unable to find any soundscape tutorials. anyone know any good ones?
Nope, there have been none to my knowledge.

Anyway, I know how to do it;
Open up either Counter-Strike Source Shared.gcf (If you're editing CSS - Use GCFScape) or Half-Life 2 Content.gcf (If you're editing HL2/HL2DM) and look in to cstrike-hl2/scripts/soundscapes_*

Any .txt file in that cataloge with soundscapes_* as a prefix can be used. The names you're looking to enter into your env_soundscapes are within quotes and are then followed by information on what sounds to loop or play randomly, you'll see what I mean once you open up one.

Also note that some of the soundscapes_* contain other information that isn't USABLE, but most do.
Marfry said:
there is another way to reset entitys but its hard to explain unless im talking to you live

Do you have MSN messenger? We can talk there. :stare:
Maybe you could write a tut on soundscapes, dead_inside. I for one know nothing about them.
Maybe I should...

I believe editlife.net would be a great site for me to join the "tutteam" on, because I like to teach people stuff (That's why I'm on this forum).

Reaven0, what do you say?

Anyway, Mess, I currently don't know any way, without making your own mod, that you can create soundscapes. And for a good map ("Professional") it's almost requierd. VAVLe should do something about this :/