Random crashes



Hi all. I've started getting random crashes in CCS, both before and after the recent update. The game will suddenly stop and the sound continuously loops resulting in a sort of stutter. I can ALT TAB out, but the screen remains frozen on the last CSS image, I can just see my mouse pointer. If I right click or anything I can't see the menu. When I do this the sound stops so I am exiting CSS although the screen doesn't change. When I ALT TAB back the sound starts again.

These crashes seem totally random and different maps and servers.

My specs are:
XP Pro
9800 Pro
Athlon 64 Winchester 3200
Audigy 5.1
1gig dual channel ram
120 gb HHD

Can help would be appreciated. Thanks
yeah, thats happened to me a few times aswell, tho not enough to really annoy me. i don't know why
I have had the same thing happen. As of 2 updates ago, I cannot play for more than a few minutes without the symptoms you describe, Johnny, or just having the world and other player models freeze in time and space around me. I can look around, view overlay screens (like score), but nothing else.

This happens even on very low latency sites.

I haven't had the sound-stutter-crash since I knocked the DX audio settings down -- but who knows if that had any actual bearing...

Johnny: did you also just update the ATI Catalyst drivers? That's the only other factor I haven't accounted for...

Also: do you have this happen in HL2 DeathMatch? I do.

P4 2.4
512M RAM
ATI 9600 Pro 128
Onboard audio
I haven't updated my ATI drivers for a while now you mention it, i'll give that a try.

Haven't played HL2 deathmatch so, dunno?

Can you access HL2 DM direct via the HL2 menu. Or is it only playable if you bought the game via Steam and download?

johnny8977 said:
Haven't played HL2 deathmatch so, dunno?

Can you access HL2 DM direct via the HL2 menu. Or is it only playable if you bought the game via Steam and download?


If u have bought hl2 then u should have hl2dm in ur steam... it's just an update... ;)
I have the the ati 5.1 drivers installed and I can't play more then a few mins. before my css crashes aswell... i had a minor problem before where my screen turned into a checkerboard with light blue squares (this still happens from time to time) but it's the hanging/crashing that worries me as I'm afraid it may start to cause harm to my system.

My System:
AMD xp 2500+
WinXP Pro
512mb ddr
9800 pro 128mb

(yes it's not the greatest but it runs css smooth as glass, until it crashes)
It's faulty ram. Or faulty ram setup. I used to have this problem with so many games. Computer freezes with a high pitched static noise. I had 1.5GB of PC3200 Dual Channel RAM. Problem was I had a 1GB of Kingston and another 512mb of something else. I took out the 512, hasnt frozen ever since. I think putting the 2 together was a bad idea. I say you should try removing one stick and see if it still does it.
I use 1 stick of 512mb ddr. And it doesn't crash with a high pitch noise. Although i appreciate the suggestion, I don't think this will solve my particular problem.

I have since tried changing the graphics drivers with no success.
(Catalyst 4.9, 4.12, 5.1, Omega 4.12)

I have been playing CSS for a few months now with no problems until the recent updates. The prior update started the checkerboard effect. The most recent update has caused the hanging/crashing.

I did some research, and other ppl have had this problem and found it to be a heat issue. I checked my tempuratures and this is not the case with me.

Only 2 common factors I've found with this issue is:
1. It has only occurred in the last 2 updates (give or take)
2. Everyone with this issue seems to be using ATI Radeons

When i emailed ATI with the issue they sent me a pre-made email with links to website which I had already searched through. GG, 0 support effort. Normally ATI provides excellent support, so I'm VERY unimpressed by this latest turn of events.

So now where do we turn for answers or solutions?
R`SiN said:
I have been playing CSS for a few months now with no problems until the recent updates. The prior update started the checkerboard effect. The most recent update has caused the hanging/crashing.


Only 2 common factors I've found with this issue is:
1. It has only occurred in the last 2 updates (give or take)
2. Everyone with this issue seems to be using ATI Radeons


So now where do we turn for answers or solutions?

I soooooo am in EXACTLY the same boat as you and have like mind. I have entered two bug reports in the CS:S system, but with no response.

I simply cannot play Source games online anymore. Sucks.

Oh, and in case it is in question, it is not a general network/connectivity problem on my system as I am able to play UT2004 at length without issue.

Well, R`SiN, if you DO hear/find anything, please post it somewhere big, loud, and obvious. Likewise for anyone else out there. I wanna play again!

I have the same problem.

1.4 ghz
512 mb ddr
GeForce FX 5200 128 mb
Windows 2000

I know, I dont have a great system, yet it does the job. It's very annoying, your enjoying a good game and then bam. The annoying looping sound followed by me hitting my montior and yelling in anger. :(
OMG a geforce user!!!!
I guess there goes one more off the list. lol.
Anyways, I guess it IS a little relieveing to know I'm not the only one with this problem. I can only hope that one day these threads lead to an answer.

Not likely i suppose, but one can hope?

If my monitor wasn't 21" I'd be banging it too. Very frustrating. This is more frustrating then the Z-Buffer glitch with voodoo cards of old.
R`SiN said:
OMG a geforce user!!!!
I guess there goes one more off the list. lol.
And here I thought we were onto something...

R`SiN said:
Anyways, I guess it IS a little relieveing to know I'm not the only one with this problem.
Misery. Company. Happily ever after.

R`SiN said:
If my monitor wasn't 21" I'd be banging it too. Very frustrating.
Shut up. Show off ;)

R`SiN said:
This is more frustrating then the Z-Buffer glitch with voodoo cards of old.
The carbon dating has returned: yup, you're fossilized like me. I kinda figured. You were speaking in grammatically correct sentences...
Unfortunately guys the freezing/sound stuttering problem, seems to effect thousands of users all will entirely different system configurations.
Does'nt matter whether you have Via or Nforce chipset, Amd or Intel, Generic ram or branded, Creative Sound card or Terratec, Onboard sound or whatever, This problem plagues everyone.
Most people including Valve are convinced its a bug in the engine, Valve are trying to get a patch together.

The only way I have managed to limit the problem, is doing the following things..

Increase the CAS of my ram to 2.0 - 3.0

Run relaxed timings, 3,3,3,6 instead of my normal 2,2,2,5.

Install the Beta Via Service 1.0 driver (this shuts down a memory hole that Nvidia cards access, that "may" cause errors).

Lower my soundcard acceleration.

Turn off "fast writes" in the Bios.

I know for a fact its NOT a heat issue, Since my Lian Li PC75 has 7 fans (that includes the psu fan), 4 drawing in air and 3 sucking out.
My amd 64 3200 rarely goes above 38*c (full load) and even though my 5900XT is overclocked, the Heatsink (an old athlon xp one) keeps it really cool.

This game is the only one that causes this specific freezing, Even though Vampire Masquarades uses the same engine as HL2, I never had the freezing in that, Which is strange.
Correct me if I am wrong, Oni, but the problem you describe affects your HL2 play as well?

i.e. I can play HL2 (single player) for hours on end at much much higher settings, but only last a minute or two in a MP game (HL2DM or CS:S) regardless of settings
I've seen the problem in HL2 singleplayer and DM and occasionally get it in CS.
Even though I've still reduced my memory settings, I still run the game on max settings with 8 xAF, But I've tried lower settings too and still get the problem.
According to valve its to do with Texture thrashing, It could be when a new level opens up or when you enter a large area, But I've had it occur even when I've been crouched in a corner in CS.
Some people say to specify heapsize, e.g stick the line "-heapsize xxxxxxx" (where xxxxxxx, the amount of mb/s of ram to use for texture cache), I've tried 512000 (half my ram) and the problem is worse than ever, I'm currently on 128000, the default is 64000.

I just hope Valve bring out a patch soon, Because when it happens in CS, by the time the freeze/stuttering stops, I'm usually dead!