random photoshop goodness :) 56k warning


Jul 22, 2004
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this is just some of the random stuff that i can come up w/
I hate the Doom 3 one... The rest = :P
... simple i just use white over black... i select diffrence... i get the sircle granit and make circles and lines... then i either his neon glow or i hit find edges and use colors... ne ways its simple...
all are really nice, except for the doom 3 one, the colors arent great on it

nice work though!!
Hmmmm, just looks like color splashes w/ a bunch of filters........

Nice work anyways tho.
Yeah, random gradients + filters get random stuff. Some of it looks pretty cool, but it's easily done, very generic/ psychadelic, and pretty useless.

e.g. 15 secs: kinda cool, but easy and rather generic and doesn't seem unique.
PunisherUSA said:
Yeah, random gradients + filters get random stuff. Some of it looks pretty cool, but it's easily done, very generic/ psychadelic, and pretty useless.

e.g. 15 secs: kinda cool, but easy and rather generic and doesn't seem unique.
its usefull for quick avaters sigs and sprays thow ^_^
A guy down my end of the country was selling prints of stuff like that for a fortune at a classy gallery, he claimed to his punters to have painstakingly painted each one by hand on his specially built 'compu-ah'. I asked him how he did it and he gave me a whole load of BS. He pretended to talk to somebody on his mobile when I finally asked him which filter he used.
CR0M said:
A guy down my end of the country was selling prints of stuff like that for a fortune at a classy gallery, he claimed to his punters to have painstakingly painted each one by hand on his specially built 'compu-ah'. I asked him how he did it and he gave me a whole load of BS. He pretended to talk to somebody on his mobile when I finally asked him which filter he used.

Lol. Good one :)

Regarding the artwork on this thread. Good work. Looks like the stuff I end up with when I get bored every now and then.
hey nice. yea filters are cool. theres a really good one in 'the gimp', called 'flame' you might have some fun with(some of these can take up to 10 minutes to compute though, this is on an athlon64 3200+ cpu with a 1gig of ram). there are MANY variables you can tweak for different effects plus you can totally randomize things too. heres a few that this filter alone can do by tweaking it:




