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Nov 21, 2004
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Okay chaps ive got a hoard of old maps that i use to basically do for fun, now i guess im looking at applying some of my know how to any mods out there willing to take me. Without further delay, here are some screens:

This is perhaps 6months old now, something i did when experimenting with the atmospherics capable by the source engine. Looks okay, and along with the bridge map (below these) ive done about 4 'moody' maps that join together or atleast need joining:

This is one of the first maps i did on the new engine, hence the lack of displacements (i didnt and still dont understand them :p )
Finally somehting i decided i couldnt be bothered to finnish, thought it was a decent enough idea though for all those who want to have a go, you got some reference now:

Well, let me know if you know of any mods looking for a mapper.

Oh and i appologise for the darkness, its a bit of a joke when in game it looks fine and in screenshot form its as dark as a freaky dark thing.
lol, some of them maps r brill but wtf wi tree house LOL
That cabin looks nice. Had to take it into photoshop to see it, but is pretty.
Heh, yeah, again too bad its crappy like that. Id change em myself, but that'd be waaaay to much effort. Maybe not.
Oh sorry, I wasn't complaining, I know how ya feel on those shots that look perfect in-game and then don't save as you expected.
Heh i know, i have a knack of seeming like im frustraited. Well i am, but only at like you say, the perfect in game shots become a whole load of crap in jpeg form.
that cabins from "evil dead" :p
the maps look very good. great work, hoping to see future work :thumbs:

Yes indeedy, my inspiration was from evil dead. Personally i dont think it looks anything like the on from the film but that was the idea, to make that cabin. Its got the cellar etc. Just needs the swinging chair outside.

And with a film as great as evil dead and evil dead 2, who can go wrong huh?
I think the castle would make a pretty good DM level, dont you?
Heh, interesting point. It could be interesting indeed. Perhaps if you were given the oportunity to open up 'the pit' and some how force people down there, only for them to be squished by closing spikey walls.

Ill look into it.
Try typing jpeg_quality "100" in console before you take your screenshots or adding it to your autocfg file. that will up the quality on the jpegs created by the games screenshots. You could also try using fraps to take screenshots, it will save them as bitmaps. Another way is to use Print Screen and paste the shots into MSPaint which will also give you bitmaps. Those are a few ways to increase the quality on your screenshots. ;)
Ah yes osilo, good point. Think id rather keep the shots in game and up the quality, though its not a major concern. After all, photobucket only allow files under a certain size, upping the quality takes each pic above the thresh hold for photobucket before it automatically re-sized and adjusts the quality for me.

It is the brightness that kills the shots i find. But again, cheers for the advice.
That tree house is f3ckin' comedy!

All those brilliant maps and then that.

God monkah, you are the man! :D
Use the GIMP (search google). It worked for HL screenshots.