Rank your Senses (quite a whimsical thread)

Dec 12, 2004
Reaction score
I was walking back from the station to my house (it's a long walk), and got thinking about how my tastes have been changing as I get older.

I find it interesting that nowadays, I tend to appreciate smells more than I used to, and 'nice' food doesn't seem as nice any more.

And then I decided to rank my 5 senses (touch, taste, smell, hearing, sight) in order of how much I appreciate them (based on how powerful a reaction is evoked).
1. Smell
2. Hearing
3. Sight
4. Taste
5. Touch

Sometimes 1. and 2. switch places.

Anyone else thought about this?
Id say sight and smell are my favorites. But it whould suck to be without any of them.
1. Hearing
2. Touch
3. Taste
4. Smell
5. Sight

My sight's always been poor, hence the need for glasses. I've noticed my sense of smell isn't what it used to be. And, well, I've always had great hearing.
To be honest if I had no choice I would get rid of smell instead of the other senses.
any of you that are not blind and didn't rank Sight as your #1 sense are denying your humanity
Sight is definitely first for me, and that was before I read Ennui's post. I swears.
Hearing and Taste are tied for second. I love music, and I love tastey shit. I mean come on.
Touch is next, I don't really use it that much, it's not amazing. I guess it's helpful for not getting burned, but I have callouses so it's not even that functional.
Smell is last. I have no great sense of smell and when it does do anything for me at all it's offensive. **** smell.
1. Smell
2. Touch
3. Hearing
4. Sight
5. Taste

Smell brings out so many nostalgia, emotions, and attractions. We base so much of our choice of our mate based on smell, and I've noticed it's very true.
It's not like the perfume or cologne they are wearing, it's the natural body scent of that person I find really appealing.

Touch is a close second, simply because nothing beats physical contact, especially when it comes to people.
1. Sight - Honestly. I'd be totally lost if I couldn't see (LOL PUN!)
2. Touch - I like da sechs, and no touch mean no sechs. Well sechs can happen, but you won't be satisfied.
3. Hearing - I like to hear stuff, but touching and seeing is alot better, imo.
4. Smell - That's the kind of smelly smell that smells... Smelly. (cookie for anyone who gets the reference)
5. Taste - Who cares about taste. So you can't taste, atleast you still get your hunger satisfied when you eat, drink etc. Taste is not important to anything, it's like fuzzy dice on your rear view mirror, sure they're cool to have, but you don't NEED them to drive. Like with smell, you could like smell smoke from a fire in your bedroom (assuming you're blind), hearing you'd be able to hear it crackle, touch.. It's hot. Sight, you can see it. How does taste help you here? Taste is just a nice thing to have, it's not really necessary.
Okay. First I'll rate how much I appreciate my senses.

1. Sight - I need to see the world I'm in. This is a must.
2. Taste - Life would be very bland if you couldn't taste your favorite foods!
3. Hearing - Ranked below taste, but almost equally important. I like to be able to hear things!
4. Touch - Things feel nice!
5. Smell - Honestly I could easily go without smell. More things in this world smell bad than good, though I suppose it's a good thing to have so you can smell yourself and clean so others don't have the unpleasantry. lol

Now I'll rate how effective my senses are on a scale from one to five, five being spectacularly good.

Sight - 3
Taste - 4
Hearing - 3
Touch - 5
Smell - 5
1. Sight
2. Hearing
3. Smell
4. Touch
5. Taste - 90% or something of the taste comes from the smell anyway, so you hardly need it (that's why things taste so weird when you have a cold)
1. Sight - Honestly. I'd be totally lost if I couldn't see (LOL PUN!)
2. Touch - I like da sechs, and no touch mean no sechs. Well sechs can happen, but you won't be satisfied.
3. Hearing - I like to hear stuff, but touching and seeing is alot better, imo.
4. Smell - That's the kind of smelly smell that smells... Smelly. (cookie for anyone who gets the reference)
5. Taste - Who cares about taste. So you can't taste, atleast you still get your hunger satisfied when you eat, drink etc. Taste is not important to anything, it's like fuzzy dice on your rear view mirror, sure they're cool to have, but you don't NEED them to drive. Like with smell, you could like smell smoke from a fire in your bedroom (assuming you're blind), hearing you'd be able to hear it crackle, touch.. It's hot. Sight, you can see it. How does taste help you here? Taste is just a nice thing to have, it's not really necessary.

I don't want no damn spongebob cookie.
1. Touch
2. Sight (i'm like 60% blind as it is)
3. Smell
4. Hearing
5. Taste

See, I don't see you like you see. I see through vibrations in the ground.
See, Shippi, Stig, and I think the same because were cool. You other guys are totally bogus.

That's right I called you other guys bogus, whatcha gonna do?

I'm so bad I just don't give a ****.
Order of appreciation:

1.hearing (I'd hate not being able to listen to music ever again)

2.sight (although crappy, and I have to wear glasses, I still couldn't imagine life being totally blind.)

3.taste (I like good food)

4.smell (I like the smell of good food)

5.touch (I like the way silk boxers feel against my balls, but it's still the sense I'd be most willing to give up fs.)

Effectiveness ranking from 1 to 5:

1.hearing-5 (my most keen sense. I scored above average on the hearing exam at MEPS recently. I knew I would, I can hear when people gossip behind my back and they swear that there's no way I couldn't have heard them without some kind of aid.)

2.sight-3 (Can't remember my scores during physicals, but they're bad enough I have to wear glasses)

3.taste-4 (I have highly developed taste buds and know shitty food when it crosses my tongue)

4.smell-4 (Not much different than taste really, because both senses have to work in tandem to work properly.)

5.touch-3 (Some parts of my skin are very callous/numb and I can't feel very good. Other parts are so sensitive I'd creme myself otherwise if rubbed wrong.)

EDIT> WTF? I didn't put that little blue ";)" smiley for my post title. MODS!!!!
1. sight - i care about this the most
2. hearing - i love hearing a lot of things
3. touch - it'd be weird walking aruond not feeling anything lol
4. smell - better than taste but not important enough to be above sight/hearing/or touch
5. taste - i really don't care about what I taste and i'd like to actually lose this so I could eat anything anytime with 0 discomfort. losing my fav foods would be lame but oh well
I'm surprised at how many of you would put touch so low of importance. Especially when Viagra outsells hearing aids by 1 billion percent (maybe)

I think being deaf would be soothing in a way, like your own little world.

You ever cover your ears and get that peaceful feeling? Try it! It's awesome, especially if you have a headache. Of course you would hear less than that, but I think it would be similar.

In my opinion, Beethoven created his greatest masterpiece while deaf BTW.

Being blind would have to be a nightmare. And sometimes I think I'd prefer not to have to taste certain foods, or smell things, so...

Again, this is how I put mine:


Attaboy, Virus
5. taste - i really don't care about what I taste and i'd like to actually lose this so I could eat anything anytime with 0 discomfort. losing my fav foods would be lame but oh well
Maybe I should've put this as my least desired sense. This way my outlook on food would easily be, "eat to live". T'would be so much easier to stay fit fs.

Then again, if one couldn't smell also, malicious "friends" might try to put something nasty in your food (or substitute entire food altogether) and you wouldn't even know it unless it was extremely obvious. "Brownies" anyone? :p
"Brownies" are either amazing or amazingly bad, depending on the poison of choice.
How about the points of brownies? I think that constitutes vertices.
EDIT: I might not have used that word properly.
You can't taste without smell anyway, so those who rated taste before smell have a problem..

Believe it or not, there is actually a right answer to this question, and this is it! :P

Blindness and deafness obviously suck hardcore (blind is worse though). Without touch you couldn't even type on a damn keyboard, know if your finger is gonna fall off in the cold, just got stabbed in the back, etc. Smell is more of just a luxury thing, but has a bunch more applications than last place, taste, which is almost totally dependent on smell anyway.

See, I'm right, everyone else is wrong. Good job. (Well Seagull got it right too)
1. sight
2. hearing
3. taste
4. touch
5. smell

I'm a scenery guy. I love scenery. Plain and simple.

I also love hearing shit. Music to be exact. hell, I love sound so much, that there's always something whimsical playing in my head that basically dictates my mood. If I want to change my mood, I change what I hear in my head.

I love fod.

And the others were random.
Why'd you rate smell second most desired? At least you wouldn't have to put up with the smell of public bathrooms anymore. :/

Indeed but do you not like to go along a wooded(forested w/e) and all of a sudden get a whif of the flowers and all the smells?
Hm might just be me but i'm not a freak like j00 guys
My answe was pretty damn good. Sight is number 1. I mean beeing def whould suck, but smell and taste is damn important to me. Touch is meh. I could live without it.