/rant/ help me understand


Dec 7, 2004
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What is it about a vehicle that is 2 lanes wide and 4 cars tall? A car that gets poor gas mileage, and has even worse performance in all aspects of the automobile world, A vehicle so large and heavy it has changed the way cars are tested for safety. The only conclusion I was able to draw, was that this machine, is the epitome of all things American. It’s grossly oversized, under powered, and does absolutely nothing exceptionally well.

2004 Ford Explorer Specifications:
1.) 14/21(mpg)
2.) 210 HP SAE @ 5,100 rpm; 254 ft lb @ 3,700 rpm
3.) Curb weight 4,374 lbs
4.) 0-60 MPH: 8.74
5.) 1/4 mile [email protected]
6.) Skidpad .70
7.) Towing 5,000lbs
8.) 88 cu. ft of cargo

--The gas mileage is absolutely terrible, i don't know what to say.
--My Mom’s 6yr old Nissan Maxima makes 10hp less than this SUV, and SUV’s are so supposed to be Big and Strong.
--Most cars weigh around 3,000lbs. The extra weight means slower acceleration, poorer braking, worse handling, and more energy in a wreck.
--It’s obviously no race car, I believe lance Armstrong does 0-60 in low 7’s.
--I don’t even know what to say, it basically takes this car 16 seconds to get up to highway speeds? And people wonder why I don’t like being behind them.
--I don’t expect a lot of people to know about skidpads, but it judges how well a car can handle. Most cars, Audi A4 or the Nissan Maxima for example pull around a .85, the enzo Ferrari and Saleen s7 pull a 1.01 for reference. Basically I’m surprised the car stands upright in park.
--It’s towing is pathetic; if you wanted to tow something you would have bought a pickup, like the Tundra.
--You must not be hauling anything because the Toyota Sienna has 149cu. Ft. of space.

Admit it! You bought your SUV because you thought it looked cool! You don’t know anything about it and don’t care. You fell for the marketing because you’re a weak, ignorant, and selfish individual who has no idea how his choice of transportation affects the other people who have to share the road. But who cares about the other people, in their small sedans, they are like gnats on an elephant. No, you’re too cool to worry, if one of them hits you it will be like throwing a brick at tinfoil. But before you get back to driving alone in your SUV that seats 10, before you put down your fruit and walnut salad from McDonalds to answer your cell phone, and before you cut me off only to drive 20mph slower than I was going, I have something to tell you. Your choice of vehicle impedes upon my gas prices, my choice of lane, and my speed—and because of this, I hate you.

**Please, if you happen to be pro-suv don't post something stupid, I would absolutely love to hear why you think suvs are the most awesomest thing ever. You know like a debate; where people exchange opposing ideas on a common subject in an educated and formal way in hopes of changing the opposing sides stance on the position. I can't be the only one who feels this way.