Rant on Asia Music Channels..


Mar 16, 2007
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Before I begin, I must say that I live in Asia, where only MTV Asia and Channel V Aisa is aired. And mind you, I have been to USA and some other countries where I have seen the Major Music Channels of that country in recent times. Such as (VH1 etc.)

And I must say, I ****ing hate MTV Asia. It's horrible you know, the kind of music they air on the channels. There is absolutely nothing at all but Punk and Pop Music (Including rubbish RnB and rubbish pop (everything not from the 90's). Absolutely no alternative rock, hardly any grunge or post-grunge here, hardly any techno/dance. And they have never ever shown a metal band play before on MTV Asia. Even the punk shown here aren't the nice ones. It's always the same (Red Jumpsuit apparatus, or MCR, or FOB, no Green Day, no Semisonic etc.) Oh and not to mention the fact that it's filled with horrible Asian/Chinese/Korean/Taiwanese Pop. Basically, MTV Aisa lacks decent rock music..

In MTV USA, or in VH1 however, despite modern day music not up to standards of most of you people, I have seen great channels dedicated to Dance and Trance. I have seen some great videos from bands that you people like (NIN or Modest Mouse perhaps) and alternative rock (Incubus, Hoobastank, Switchfoot etc.) and loads of metal in shows dedicated to them. Basically, it seems to have a wider range of more awesome from all the 3 times I have watched non-Asia Music Channels.

/Ends Rant (Correct me where I'm wrong)
You have the internet. Who cares about music television?
Asian Pop is the best.
Only when it's a girl singing it.
And you can't understand it.
It's really catchy.
MTV started playing music again?

Also, where are these "channels dedicated to Dance and Trance"?! That would be relevant to my interests...
I have seen some great videos from bands that you people like

And what are "you people" huh!?. :dozey:

Ooooooooooooooooooooh I get it, cause I am white as the driven snow and tall and lankey, I must like a certain music and certain food, and wear certain clothes and do certain things and speak all in a funny comprehensible way and man, those funny white boyz.


I've never seen Asian music channels, and to be fair most of my experience with Asian pop is in Japan, but it wasn't too my tastes.

I prefer the varieties of metal music myself, which are provided on some music channels, a few entirely dedicated to it, but I don't watch music channels anyway.
And what are "you people" huh!?. :dozey:

Ooooooooooooooooooooh I get it, cause I am white as the driven snow and tall and lankey, I must like a certain music and certain food, and wear certain clothes and do certain things and speak all in a funny comprehensible way and man, those funny white boyz.

Yeah...or maybe he just meant bands that people around the forum have generally expressed interest in.