Raptor OEM


May 11, 2004
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Every store i go to only sells the raptors OEM. Will it matter? I still get the warrenty but it doesnt come with cables or documentation or disks i dont even think it comes with the jumper settings. My computer is only going to use the one hard drive so will i still need to set the drive to master? I think i got a clip from one of my older drives that I can use. Will it work?

I think it would have to buy this cable... link
you don't /have/ to buy that cable. if your motherboard is SATA compatible, then it probably included a Sata cable. It's that thin one, often red. I'm not to knowledgeable about jumpers on sata drives, but i suspect there is no master slave because there are only two connectors on the cable. Pick up a generic SATA cable if you don't have one, there's no need for that secureconnect.
OEM is fine. just make sure your mobo supports sata and that it's a sata raptor.
Ya I checked the motherboards site and the HD comes with SATA cables. I have never had an SATA drive just IDE so i was a little confuese. Thanks
You need disks if your putting them in RAID but im not so everything is ok now.