Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction DEMO on PSN Oct. 4!!!

Feb 24, 2005
Reaction score
Sony's told IGN that a demo of upcoming Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction will hit PSN on October 4.

Awesome, awesome news. I can't wait to try out this demo and see how it compares to the previous wonderful titles in the series.
This is one of the VERY few games I actually want a PS3 for. I'll have to check it out at a friend's place.
Actually, the demo is available from your local EBGamestop as well now. I just put $5 down on my copy and got the demo on disc. It is absolutely gorgeous and plays really well even if it is way too easy. The weapons in the demo are not that varied, but the Groovitron is there and is funny as hell. I can't to see how the whole story unfolds when it releases! (Thanks to IGN for the heads-up!)
The demo that I got from Gamestop is actually still loads of fun. I am glad, however, that the demo that is coming on the PSN will be from an updated build as this one suffers some screen tear here and there.

Has anyone else got it yet???
I've seen the videos, it looks really good, I want this demo now!!!!!!
*Does not like platformy third person jumping games*

You're missing out on a lot of fun my friend. Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal is one of those brilliant platform shooters that comes along every....decade that just kicks all kinds of ass.